The Elusive Benefits Of Jupiter's Transits

in astrology •  8 years ago 


Traditionally, Jupiter transits have been associated with luck, expansion, well being, and personal evolution and growth. While this is certainly true, it’s very important to understand to what degree these effects are actually bound to happen.

Jupiter Is Expansion

Jupiter, as a huge gas sphere orbiting around Sun, is nothing more than expansion, in astrological parlance. It doesn’t associate with “good” or “bad”, because these qualities are heavily dependent on the context. For instance, you may think the cake you’re eating is “good”, but the extra sugar spike you get from that is “bad” for your body. Or you feel “good” while having an affair, but the actual consequence of an affair is always “bad”.

Linking Jupiter to human bound concept like “good” and “bad” doesn’t gives it justice.

Instead, look at Jupiter from the point of view of expansion. This means whatever you do under a Jupiter transit will have exaggerated effects.

For instance, if you start drinking, you will drink a lot more. Or if you start binging on donuts every day, you will get fatter a lot more faster than under “normal” circumstances.

Whatever area of your life you’re focusing on, you will experience some kind of exaggeration during a Jupiter transit.

So, if you know that a Jupiter transit is approaching, try to focus on the areas of your life where you need expansion. And try to refrain from those you don’t want to see exaggerated.

Laziness Is Not An Excuse

More often than not, if you do your “homework” and accept Jupiter’s influence, you will experience its benefits. Many people are feeling a lot more optimistic (in a sense, Jupiter is “inflating” their natural desire to get better in life).

But this optimism has a very serious downside: it can make you lazy. During a Jupiter transit you feel so well, you see “how everything falls into places” that you tend to forget the ever-changing nature of the Universe. Just because it’s ok now, it does’t mean it will be ok after Jupiter’s transit.

That’s why, under a Jupiter transit you shouldn’t just sit still an wait for the money to fill in your bank account. There will be opportunities, that’s right. But if you’re not consciously pursuing those opportunities, if you’re not consciously engaging in sustainable activities, the results will be negligible.

Jupiter transits are not periods of leisure, although we’re very much inclined to feel like doing nothing and let the “Universe balance everything". Instead, they are periods filled with opportunities, opportunities that have to be taken advantage of.

How Do I Find My Transits?

If you never had your natal chart drawn before, you can use for that. It’s free and they have a lot of technical charts available. They also have some free reports and you should check them out if you’re new to astrology.

I’m not affiliated with, I just use it to store my charts, as a normal user.
image source - jupiter and europe

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