My main interests with astrology is understanding how my (and other's eventually) natal chart is in play with the continually changing starscape around us. I know that like linguistics, astrology is a subject that upon further investigation turns into a deep rabbit hole of seemingly endless knowledge.
Perhaps things that help show historical patterns to help with more predictive style astrology... I have only one book on astro (Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer by Michael R. Meyer), otherwise turning to websites or a great astrologer and somatic worker Renee Sills (online and podcasts).
I have general basic knowledge. I definitely know more about the signs + planets that are heavier in my chart. So.... even basic books might help. The handbook I have can sometimes be a little too hard to work with since I don't have a bunch of astronomical data sheets to calculate with.
Thanks for the in-depth reply! Definitely something I appreciate from the steemit community. If you (or anyone reading this) have any book/author/podcast suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.
Be well!