Know the Days of Each Planet's Orbit! Astrology!

in astrology •  6 years ago 

Solar System by days.jpg

The number of days it takes a planet to orbit the sun becomes a very important concept when you begin to read astrology charts.

You begin to see the cycles in people's lifetime based on how long it takes a planet to make an aspect.

Saturn, for example, takes 29 years +/- before to return to the place where you were born. That is called a Saturn return. You can mark your life when Saturn is at 90 degrees to your natal Saturn, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees. These are poignant parts of your life. The same goes for the rest of the planets.

Astrology is just a rabbit hole. 👀

-Amy Domres
Evolutionary Astrologer
Healing to Achieve your Soul's Mission + Work

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Dang if I go live on Mars ill be so young! and well you would be lucky to be 3 years old on Saturn! Ugh we live such a short life span :(