Mercury is direct in Aries now, but isn't up to full speed, so the effects are still in play.

in astrology •  6 years ago 

woman bird.jpg

It was stationing on 4/15, meaning from our viewpoint on earth, it looked like it wasn't moving.

It is in the period of #RetroShade.

I'm including my post from weeks ago about what this means, which is, essentially the energy is more intense than normal, but not as potent as when it was in retrograde.. Please continue to go slow, get rest, and eat well. Also, don't make any sudden decisions or sign contracts if this transit is prominent in your chart.

Mercury will be at full speed on May 4.

Emerald City Astrology's Post on the Phases of Retrogrades:

-Amy Domres
Evolutionary Astrologer
Healing to Achieve Your Soul Mission + Work

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