Weekday Astrology Forecast: Monday, March 12th, through Thursday, March 15th, 2018

in astrology •  7 years ago 

Venus, the planet of love and relationships, which is newly transiting the fiery, passionate sign of Aries, will make a challenging square to Saturn in Capricorn, bringing a more somber, serious tone to our relationships and interactions throughout the start of this week. While Venus square Saturn is a bit of a downer, we do have a very positive uplifting influence with the Sun in Pisces coming into a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Scorpio to offset the cold and callous Saturnian vibes. This aspect brings greater optimism and ambitions for success, allowing us to approach any challenges that come our way with a more hopeful and positive mindset.

Monday (3/12): No major planetary aspects. Early this morning, the Moon in the stern and serious sign of Capricorn makes a challenging square with Uranus in Aries before going Void-of-Course at 8:36am MST. Because the Moon will remain VOC most of the day, until 3:44pm MST, the workday today will be best spent taking care of routine tasks and mundane communications. Later this afternoon, the Moon moves into the eccentric sign of Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 2.5 days.

The Aquarius Moon is enigmatic. While it brings a sort of voyeuristic emotional detachment in our close relationships, there is also a deeply felt sense of connection with humanity and the world at large. There may be a resistance to the ideas and beliefs of others all the while new inspiration and insight might come about intuitively from out of the blue. This is a great time for innovation, technology and doing things that are outside of the norm. Humanitarian pursuits are favored at this time, and it may prove easier to rally people together for a common cause.

Tuesday (3/13): Today Venus, which is newly transiting the fiery, passionate sign of Aries, will make a challenging square to Saturn in Capricorn, bringing a more somber, serious tone to our relationships and interactions throughout the start of this week. When Saturn comes into a hard aspect to Venus, our self-esteem make take a hit. This is especially true for women, especially those with prominent planetary placements (Sun/Moon/Rising or Venus) in the Cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Saturn’s heavy, restrictive energy also places limitation on our ability to experience pleasure, especially in our close relationships. While this is not a time to indulge or spend freely, now is an excellent time to balance a budget or to let go of material possessions that are too lavish or serve no real purpose in our lives at this time. On an interpersonal level, this aspect adds burden and stress to relationships and extinguishes a bit of the fiery passion of Venus transiting Aries. The focus shifts toward responsibility in relationship verses pleasure and romance under this influence.

While Venus square Saturn is a bit of a downer, we do have a very positive uplifting influence with the Sun in Pisces coming into a harmonious trine with Jupiter in Scorpio to offset the cold and callous Saturnian vibes. This aspect brings greater optimism and ambitions for success, allowing us to approach any challenges that come our way with a more hopeful and positive mindset. In the water signs, this aspect enhances our creativity and intuition, bringing greater clarity by shining light into our blind spots.

The Moon today continues to transit the enigmatic sign of Aquarius, making supportive sextile aspects to both Venus and Mercury, enhancing communication and intuitive connection at a time when it’s most needed.

Wednesday (3/14): No major planetary aspects. The Moon continues to transit the offbeat sign of Aquarius, making a square to Jupiter mid-afternoon. This indicates the potential to get our hopes up in regards to what’s initiated at this time, leading to a minor bout of disappointment later down the line. Late in the evening, the Moon will make a supportive sextile to Uranus, supporting inspiration, innovation and positive change.

Thursday (3/15): No major planetary aspects. The Moon makes a supportive sextile to Mars in Sagittarius overnight/early this morning— it’s last aspect in the sign of Aquarius before going Void-of-Course at 12:32am MST. This indicates that projects initiated and challenges faced over these last few days can support ambitious new beginnings. The Moon moves into the mystical sign of Pisces at 3:12am MST, where it will remain for the next 2.5 days, ushering us into the dark phase of the New Moon, which will come exact over the weekend.

The Dark Moon phase lasts roughly three days surrounding the time of the New Moon. The dark phase of the lunar cycle is a period of letting go of that which no longer serves us from the preceding lunar cycles. It is a time when the veil is quite thin and our connection to the other realms becomes much more potent. The Dark Moon is not an appropriate time to initiate new actions. For women in particular, now is a time when our physical energy is at it's lowest. It is powerful time when our psychic and intuitive abilities are heightened. Now is the time to go inward to surrender and reflect on the past while seeding intentions for the future.

Have a beautiful week! Be sure to check back on Thursday for the weekend New Moon forecast! :)

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