Monthly Forecast: How will Sep 2020 be for Gemini?

in astrology •  5 years ago 


1st-7th September 2020
The health of your mother will be an area of your concern. There will be a delay in works and disagreements in the family will also be witnessed. But there will be an increase in opportunities of monetary gains and you would also be inclined towards spirituality. You will continue to worry about issues concerning your child.

8th-15th September 2020
Your reputation would see a positive change. You would also develop association with reputed people. There will be occasions of monetary gains and promotion. But the increase in privileges at work would increase to your wariness. You are likely to spend on good deeds by the weekend.

16th-23rd September 2020
Your motivation level will increase. There will be an increased opportunity of monetary gains. Personal issues will also ameliorate. You will continue to be angered and excited. There is a possibility of health related issue and problems in work concerning Authorities.

24th-30th September 2020
There will be success at the workplace and likely to get recognition for your hard work. You will also plan towards a new work. However, the month end is also featured with impulsive reactions, disagreements with siblings, unnecessary travel.

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