Parental Partnership in Current Astrological Transits

in astrology •  6 years ago  (edited)


Thinking of my friend Charles, with that title. Its his thought to publish a work under the Right Use of Will title with contributions from those of us who carry this role and have worked with these issues our whole lives. Its kindof unfolding and not very far along yet as far as I know. I think the idea is, those who are parental to each of the colors in the rainbow.

Spur of the moment reading!

I was just glancing at the day's transits as I do quite a lot these days...


Ya know I was talking about Yaweh? Father Christian/Jewish/Islam God.
AND that I resolve 'the Mother Entity's issues' ... ha ha there's a can of worms for ya.


Look at this chart today! I hadn't noticed it creeping up on us. Venus in perfect opposition to Pluto yesterday. Signs are Cancer and Capricorn. Mother and Father energies!

Turquoise: Mother Earth and Father Sky

When I was focusing on these energies, studying the chart. What came to me was further understanding of an image I have been seeing for a few days - an infinity symbol. Strange, something felt. Like a wire wrapping.

But the 'untangle' of the energies here is, Jupiter in Scorpio just into the First House. (Death) Rebirth and deep deep transformation of GOD (Jupiter). Consider the sign AND the fact that it is retrograde!

The chart is saying, the parentals are finding their true place in relationship to each other. Mother is Father's Mother and Father is Mother's Father. (Ha! Say that 20 times as fast as you can.) I was thinking... which one is first? Its like, the chicken and the egg riddle. What this chart is saying to me is that ... Mother and Father energies, after all of their battles together are finally finding peace and understanding. Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in 5 - unconditional love being found, new and fresh, in Aries.

Hm. Just realized this also. Venus in Cancer in 9. So "Mother" is truly God. That is God's House. By Mother, yes I am talking about the entity Herself. No wait. Her Heart - Venus. But also I was thinking all metaphors in the grand pattern apply. So we are talking about healing the Divine Feminine in men, also. Something nurturing and creative and caretaking. Fairness and balance enter into this picture also.

This occurs to me. That Venus is often associated with Lucifer. Hm. I have also always felt that there has got to be a way to resolve him. To work out the disparity, the dichotomy of good vs. evil. What if Lucifer IS the healing of the Divine Feminine and especially in men?

Then we've got that KARMIC 8 degree Leo North Node in the 9th house! In an interesting aspect to Saturn: a quincunx. I don't always get this minor aspect but I know the main expression of it is about adjustment. I feel that this chart is saying responsible partnership between Mother and Father God energies. BOTH of them, rather than only one or the other, is the resolution of this transit. This is the adjustment. See the Sun and Mercury hiding out there in 8? Twins, duality. TWO. Coming out of the transformation of Jupiter, another quincunx... the green dotted lines.

Something else I was noticing. The grand trine/doorway that was open for a short time has closed. Actually it continues still for a few more days - Venus is at 21 and Jupiter is at 14 and while they are 8 or less degrees distant, the aspect is considered to still apply, right now there's seven degrees between them. 21 - 14 = 7. Right? On the chart you can see the dual blue lines that make a 'v', that should still be closed at the end between these two, making a triangle. But only for a very short time. A small handful of days.

I think what is going on here is, 'the doorway' is closing, and with the North Node in Leo 'in the orbital path' between Venus and Jupiter, the chart is saying the only way to open the door now is to create its opening. So its kindof ... out of reach of those that have and would continue to abuse this kind of power. You have to have the power of unity between male and female creativity and cooperation (both within and in other matrix metaphors in the pattern) in order to access ... the Kingdom.

Icehouse - The Kingdom

LR 6/6/18

My personal astrology software, I use Solar Fire.
Personal photograph of turquoise specimen found by offspring!
Youtube on demand.

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