Micah T. Dank was born in 1983 in Oceanside New York. From a young age he had wanted to be a writer, coming from a family of writers. His father was a producer and radio news editor at CBS News in Manhattan and his grandfather was a Producer at CBS News. Micah was an actor in High School and became interested in writing from his 12th grade English teacher Russell Reid. From there he majored in English at SUNY Albany and transferred down to CUNY Hunter College in Manhattan to earn his Bachelors degree in ‘Language Literature and Criticism’. It wasn’t until he moved to Boston for a new job that he became interested in all the esoteric sciences including the astrology and astrotheology prevalent through his book series. https://amzn.to/3rKBJ2s
Micah Dank on Twitter @RealMisterDank https://bit.ly/2Sumezl
Micah Dank- Into the Rabbit Hole Series Facebook Page https://bit.ly/3bvrVDP
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In our society, growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can-and will-overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world-we change ourselves! -Jules Dervaes
Growing Food is Our Greatest Protest -Learn to garden and separate yourself from capitalism’s control of food. https://bit.ly/2BhjcGf
Video on the topic here :
Oppenheimer Ranch Preparedness Store - Everything you need =BOOM! https://www.amazon.com/shop/oppenheimerranchproject
Oppenheimer Ranch Budget 5G Blocker http://bit.ly/32d3vc5
Prepare With The Ranch - http://preparewiththeranch.com
Leah and I are two humans who no longer support the inhuman, oligarchic empire model destroying our planet and our true nature as human beings. As activists we decided to do something about it, so we opted out of our former lives to begin anew. We are currently transforming pristine alpine wilderness into a self-sustaining homestead and organic farm in preparation for the upcoming collapse. https://www.patreon.com/OppenheimerRanchProject
Check Out Our New Channel Magnetic Reversal News https://bit.ly/2Sic1os
Oppenheimer Ranch Project Swag Store: https://teespring.com/stores/oppenheimer-ranch-project
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