What you need to know about August 2017...and the rest of 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in astrology •  8 years ago 

There are two eclipses this month: Lunar (Aug. 7) and Solar (Aug. 21). There are two retrogrades that go effective this month: Mercury (Aug. 12-Sept. 5) & Uranus (Aug. 2, 2017-Jan. 2, 2018). There is a HUGE cosmic event happening this month: Lion's Gate OPENS (Aug 8). Did I miss anything else?

First things first, let's deal with the retrogrades. MERCURY. AHHH!!! Let's pull out all of our hair shall we? As if ushering in the new year with Mercury in retrograde wasn't enough, here it comes back to us AGAIN. ::plug in resting bitch face here:: Why the big fuss you say? Mercury rules all types of communication: speaking/listening, learning/teaching, reading/researching, buying/selling/negotiating, agreements via contracts or otherwise, wills/deeds/leases, travel/transportation, computer codes/systems...when Mercury goes into retrograde, all these things I've listed goes NUTS, lol.


  1. moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating.
  2. inverse or reversed, as order.

Words synonymous with the word retrograde:

declining, deteriorating, inverted, reversed, sinking, slipping, worsening, backward, catabolic.

Got a better understanding now? When a planet retrogrades, astrologically it is in a resting or sleeping state. So as Mercury says, "I don't care how much you're willing to pay me, I'm not getting out of bed!", the things that it oversees ( communication, etc.) will not be behaving properly. Mercury is officially on strike. Expect a certain degree of pandemonium to ensue! The good news: Mercury will be allotting us time tore-examine various areas of our life that needs our attention and fixing so that we can go forth in a much brighter light. This is an important time to look within, look closely and deeply. New perspectives are revealed and major breakthroughs in all areas of life will be expected as opportunities to tie loose ends will open.

Let's finish those unfinished projects & let's rid ourselves of things, people and places that no longer serve us. How to survive the Mercury retrograde? GET GROUNDED. STAY GROUNDED. Do some deep meditation. Don't take things so personal. Back up all of your computer data. Read the fine print on all paperwork & contracts. Whatever you do, DON'T FIGHT MERCURY'S RETROGRADE! If you find things getting more aggravated than usual, take a 4 count breath in, hold for 7 counts and release for 8 counts and then JUST GO WITH THE FLOW. Be nice to yourself and others.

URANUS RETROGRADE: Most powerful one for Uranus yet! It is said that "Uranus is the astrological Achilles’ heel of Mystery Babylon" meaning that A "Higher Power" will began to shake the "powers that be". On August 2nd of 2017, Uranus entered retrograde orbit at 28° Aries. Be expecting for EVERY LIVING BEING to be affected by this retrograde. For some, this will be a time presented for things be get better and for others...It would be better to be burned at the stake. Uranus is the timeline master of our zodiac because its energy effects our future more than any other planet in our solar system. The fight of GOOD and EVIL INTENSIFIES and we will see governmental bodies all over the world be SHAKEN. Put on your seat belts kiddies, this is going to be one interesting ride! Some other things to look forward to: Unexpected awareness and truths will be uncovered. EVERYTHING IN THE DARK STARTS TO COME TO LIGHT. Synchronicity rises to an all time high. Signs and messages come rapidly and profusely. Those who are willing to accept truth and walk in it will start joining up with like minds. Deeply buried fears and anxieties that modern medicine cannot comprehend will be active. Psychotic and neurotic behavior will be present. Om Mag says, "The dark archons of our global society will try to use the Uranus retrograde energy to create great social instability, division, and anarchy." So let's be careful to not fall into the traps of the secret kabal.


This is even more serious stuff...but in a good way. Lion's gate (ruled by Leo) this year is most important due to the number 8 encircling the matter.It's falling on the 8th day of the 8th month; our entire year is also easily divisible by 8. 8 is the great equalizer as it balances both the material and spiritual worlds. Lion's gate happens when the Dog Star aka Sirius (brightest star) perfectly aligns with the sun causing a cosmic wave of spiritual awakenings, a new found sense of awareness and fresh insights due to the Earth being bathed with two of the most powerful lights in the sky thus giving light life energy to every living being. AND....the cherry on top is, there could possibly be some activity in Giza, Egypt as the EXACT coordinates of the Giza pyramids ALIGN with the the sun aligning with the star Sirius! Get ready to see the consciousness of the planet reach higher heights!


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