Finding Stars and Constellations: Aries, including Hamal
In order to find the constellation of Aries, we need to find its more brilliant star, Hamal. In order to do this, a line should be traced from Betelgeuse to Aldebaran. This line should be continued for about one and a half its length. After doing that, we will be in the vicinity of the Aries constellation. The brightest star of this constellation is Hamal
Hamal (Alpha Arietis) is a star which has 14.9 times the radius of the Sun. It is located 65.8 light years from Earth.
Previous Posts
Concepts in Astronomy #1. Introduction
Concepts in Astronomy #2. The Ecliptic
Concepts in Astronomy #3. The Celestial Equator
Concepts in Astronomy #4. Right Ascension
Concepts in Astronomy #5. Declination
Concepts in Astronomy #6. The Celestial Sphere
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Concepts in Astronomy #8. Altitude
Concepts in Astronomy #9. The Equatorial Coordinate System
Concepts in Astronomy #10. The Topocentric Coordinate System
Concepts in Astronomy #11. Equinox
Concepts in Astronomy #12. Solstice
Concepts in Astronomy #13. Rotation Period
Concepts in Astronomy #14. Orbital Period
Concepts in Astronomy #15. Axial Precession
Concepts in Astronomy #16. Axial Tilt
Concepts in Astronomy #17. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Polaris
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Concepts in Astronomy #20. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Sirius
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Concepts in Astronomy #22. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Taurus, including Aldebaran