Finding Stars and Constellations: Libra
In order to find the constellation of Libra, the best thing to do is to follow the claw of Scorpius. Very close to it there will be a constellation composed of relatively faint stars, but visible, as in the picture shown
Antares is a red supergiant, its name means the rival of Mars because of its red color. Its radius is 680 times that of the Sun and it is located 550 light years from Earth
Previous Posts
Concepts in Astronomy #1. Introduction
Concepts in Astronomy #2. The Ecliptic
Concepts in Astronomy #3. The Celestial Equator
Concepts in Astronomy #4. Right Ascension
Concepts in Astronomy #5. Declination
Concepts in Astronomy #6. The Celestial Sphere
Concepts in Astronomy #7. Azimuth
Concepts in Astronomy #8. Altitude
Concepts in Astronomy #9. The Equatorial Coordinate System
Concepts in Astronomy #10. The Topocentric Coordinate System
Concepts in Astronomy #11. Equinox
Concepts in Astronomy #12. Solstice
Concepts in Astronomy #13. Rotation Period
Concepts in Astronomy #14. Orbital Period
Concepts in Astronomy #15. Axial Precession
Concepts in Astronomy #16. Axial Tilt
Concepts in Astronomy #17. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Polaris
Concepts in Astronomy #18. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Ursa Major and the Big Dipper
Concepts in Astronomy #19. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Orion
Concepts in Astronomy #20. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Sirius
Concepts in Astronomy #21. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Gemini, including Pollux and Castor
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Concepts in Astronomy #25. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Aquarius
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Concepts in Astronomy #27. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Sagittarius
Concepts in Astronomy #28. Finding Planets, Stars and Constellations: Scorpius