A "New Age" or an astrological age occurs about every 2,160 years. There are 12 astrological ages totalling 25,920 years, also known as the Great Year. It happens as a result of the Earth's tilt, causing a wobble of the axis. This wobble causes the equinoxes to move westward along the ecliptic relative to constellations, 1 degree every 72 years.

This means that every approximately 2,160 years, the Spring equinox sun rises in a new constellation; this is what we call an age. A cycle through all the consteallations/ages equals one Great Year. We have entered or are entering the age of Aquarius. The exact date is hypothesized as anywhere from 1950 to 11/11/11 to 2597 to the planetary conjunction this winter solstice 2020. The Age of Aquarius is said to symbolize the age of information.

Recent evidence regarding erosion of the Sphinx shows that human history is much longer than previously thought, and more cyclical instead of linear. Many geologists, notably, Gregg Braden and Graham Hancock posit that humanity has been (mostly) wiped out by cataclysms many times, and that the ancients knew more about our lives and our potential futures than we do because of the predictability of these cycles.

Ancient cultures demonstrated this advanced knowledge of cycles, such as the The Great Cycles noted in the Mayan long count calendar, 4 of which equal the procession of the equinox. The Hindus also noted cosmic cycles of time and how they affect humanity. They believed in binary cycles of the universe called Kalpas from creation (big bang) to nothingness, lasting 4.32 billion years, which cycle for infinity.

Many religious texts like bible and kabbalah contains some of this wisdom, and ancient megalithic structures mark cycles. For example, the Sphinx (theorized to be a lion) points to the constellation Leo on the Spring Equinox sunrise during the age of Leo. This age is though to have taken place before or after the last ice age. It was the age of sun worship, and the beginning of monotheism in Egypt.

The Ancients believe that the procession corresponds to different ages of man. Is it prophetic? Have we been acting out the ages because ancients prophesized certain phenomena they associated with the constellations they saw in the sky? Or, are we so predicable? Do the same physical phenomena that dictate the movement of the stars (macrocosm) also apply to the human body (microcosm) - as above so as below?

According to Dr. Braden, Human conflict is directly related to solar cycles based on how they influence the magnetic fields of the Earth and human heart (which contains many brain-like neurons). When the magnetic fields are stronger we experience less aggression and dysfunction because of we are more protected from space radiation.

The end-times prophecies in the heavily-edited and redacted Holy Bible are self-fulfilling prophecies based on incomplete information, perhaps for predictive programming. The omitted part is that there are many future possibilities, which do follow patterns, but ultimately are subject to our free will, our choice. This puts a spin on the old conundrum: is the future written in the stars, or do we have free will? I guess it depends on how you perceive space and time.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla