Happy Equinox STEEMERS - Today is the September Equinox - 14.22 UT 22 sept 2016

in astronomy •  8 years ago  (edited)

The equinox is when the sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. it crosses over the equator, making day and night equal all over the planet.

Although the equinox is on the 22nd sept this year, we will not get exactly equal day and night until the 25th sept (due to refraction of the sun)

Here in th U.K and northern hemisphere it marks the end of summer and the beginning of Autumn.
From now the nights will get longer and the days shorter until the December Solstice.
There are many cultural celebrations and festivals around the time of the equinox, mostly celebrating the harvest season. In the U.K. the harvest festival is on the day of the full moon closest to the equinox. this was so farmers could work throught the night under the light of the full moon.
For farmers it was a celebration of the summers bounty and the sign of approaching winter.

I have an allotment garden (i think they are called a 'community' garden the U.S.) so the equinox is very important for me and my allotment friends. It marks the end of most of the growing period and we start to get the garden ready for the approaching winter.

As such, we at the allotment will be celebrating the equinox tonight with a small bonfire and gathering of friends.
(I will add some pics later :-) )

As suburbians, most people dont notice events like the equinox and solstice, or very rarely even look up into the night sky.
Its such a joy to spend a few hrs out in the open with a fire and friends, and of course a drink or 2 lol,
And look up into the night sky and reflect on our place in the universe.
Why not try it yourselves?

Happy Equinox STEEMERS

Images from google, labeled for re-use
further reading :

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Happy Equinox @pcste!

thanks :-) happy equinox to you too

Aaaahhhh Equinox means it's time to start winding down after the long packed summer, start winterizing the gardens. Thanks for the reminder @pcste ! Check out my latest article: https://steemit.com/gardening/@brownsgreens/selling-your-own-produce-essential-do-s-and-don-ts