Cosmology And Nongalactic Astrophysics
Generalized Brans-Dicke theories in light of evolving dark energy (1907.07667v1)
Alex Zucca, Levon Pogosian, Alessandra Silvestri, Yuting Wang, Gong-Bo Zhao
The expansion history of the Universe reconstructed from a combination of recent data indicates a preference for a changing Dark Energy (DE) density. Moreover, the DE density appears to be increasing with cosmic time, with its equation of state being below -1 on average, and possibly crossing the so-called phantom divide. Scalar-tensor theories, in which the scalar field mediates a force between matter particles, offer a natural framework in which the effective DE equation of state can be less than -1 and cross the phantom barrier. We consider the generalized Brans-Dicke (GBD) class of scalar-tensor theories and reconstruct their Lagrangian given the effective DE density extracted from recent data. Then, given the reconstructed Lagrangian, we solve for the linear perturbations and investigate the characteristic signatures of these reconstructed GBD in the cosmological observables, such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy, the galaxy number counts, and their cross-correlations. In particular, we demonstrate that the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect probed by the cross-correlation of CMB with the matter distribution can rule out scalar-tensor theories as the explanation of the observed DE dynamics independently from the laboratory and solar system fifth force constraints.
Stellar cooling anomalies and variant axion models (1907.07662v1)
Ken'ichi Saikawa, Tsutomu T. Yanagida
A number of observations of stellar systems show a mild preference for anomalously fast cooling compared with what predicted in the standard theory, which leads to a speculation that there exists an additional energy loss mechanism originated from the emission of axions in stars. We explore the possibility that such excessive energy losses are interpreted in the framework of variant axion models, which require two Higgs doublets and flavor-dependent Peccei-Quinn charge assignments. These models resolve two fundamental issues faced in the traditional KSVZ/DFSZ models by predicting a sizable axion coupling to electrons required to explain the cooling anomalies and at the same time providing a solution to the cosmological domain wall problem. We also find that a specific structure of the axion couplings to electrons and nucleons slightly relaxes the constraint from supernova 1987A and enlarges viable parameter regions compared with the DFSZ models. It is shown that good global fits to the observational data are obtained for axion mass ranges of
, and that the predicted parameter regions can be probed in the forthcoming helioscope searches.
Testing a quintessence model with Yukawa interaction from cosmological observations and N-body simulations (1809.03224v2)
Rui An, André A. Costa, Linfeng Xiao, Jiajun Zhang, Bin Wang
We consider a quintessence model with Yukawa interaction between dark energy and dark matter and constrain this model by employing the recent cosmological data including the updated cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements from Planck 2015, the weak gravitational lensing measurements from Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) and redshift-space distortions. We find that an interaction in the dark sector is compatible with observations. The updated Planck data can significantly improve the constraints compared with the previous results from Planck 2013, while the KiDS data has less constraining power than Planck. The Yukawa interaction model is found to be moderately favored by Planck and able to alleviate the discordance between weak lensing measurements and CMB measurements as previously inferred from the standard Lambda cold dark matter model. N-body simulations for Yukawa interaction model is also performed. We find that using the halo density profile is plausible to improve the constraints significantly in the future.
Entanglement entropy of Primordial Black Holes after inflation (1907.07601v1)
Llorenç Espinosa-Portalés, Juan García-Bellido
In this paper we study the survival of entanglement of a scalar field state created during inflation. We find that there exist UV-finite subdominant contributions to the entanglement entropy per momentum mode that scale with the number of e-folds between horizon exit and the end of inflation, and depend on the logarithm of the radius of the entangling surface, which can be taken to be the horizon sphere. We argue that this entanglement entropy allows for the formation of entangled Primordial Black Holes (PBH). We find that the entropy arising from the entanglement between PBH is small compared with their Bekenstein entropy.
Correlations in the matter distribution in CLASH galaxy clusters (1808.02136v2)
Antonino Del Popolo, Morgan Le Delliou, Xiguo Lee
We study the total and dark matter (DM) density profiles as well as their correlations for a sample of 15 high-mass galaxy clusters by extending our previous work on several clusters from Newman et al. Our analysis focuses on 15 CLASH X-ray-selected clusters that have high-quality weak- and strong-lensing measurements from combined Subaru and {\em Hubble Space Telescope} observations. The total density profiles derived from lensing are interpreted based on the two-phase scenario of cluster formation. In this context, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) forms in the first dissipative phase, followed by a dissipationless phase where baryonic physics flattens the inner DM distribution. This results in the formation of clusters with modified DM distribution and several correlations between characteristic quantities of the clusters. We find that the central DM density profiles of the clusters are strongly influenced by baryonic physics as found in our earlier work. The inner slope of the DM density for the CLASH clusters is found to be flatter than the Navarro--Frenk--White profile, ranging from
. We examine correlations of the DM density slope
with the effective radius
and stellar mass
of the BCG, finding that these quantities are anti-correlated with a Spearman correlation coefficient of
. We also study the correlation between
and the cluster halo mass
, and the correlation between the total masses inside 5,kpc and 100,kpc. We find that these quantities are correlated with Spearman coefficients of
, respectively. These observed correlations are in support of the physical picture proposed by Newman et al.
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Signatures for quark matter from multi-messenger observations (1904.05471v3)
Mark G. Alford, Sophia Han, Kai Schwenzer
We review the prospects for detecting quark matter in neutron star cores. We survey the proposed signatures and emphasize the importance of data from neutron star mergers, which provide access to dynamical properties that operate on short timescales that are not probed by other neutron star observables.
Accelerating the search for Axion-Like Particles with machine learning (1907.07642v1)
Francesca Day, Sven Krippendorf
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been applied with tremendous success in many areas of physics. In this work, we use ML to place bounds on the coupling between photons and axion-like particles (ALPs). This coupling causes ALPs and photons to interconvert in the presence of a background magnetic field. This would lead to modulations in the spectra of point sources shining through the magnetic fields of galaxy clusters. This effect has already been used to place world-leading bounds on the ALP-photon coupling using conventional statistical methods. We train ML classification algorithms on simulated spectra from the Chandra X-ray telescope for a range of point sources and ALP-photon couplings. We then use the response of these algorithms to the real Chandra spectra to place bounds on ALP-photon interactions. We obtain bounds at a similar level to those based on other techniques, but find improvements on an individual source basis. We expect such search techniques to become increasingly important for ALP searches with future telescopes that will offer substantially higher energy resolution.
Gamma-ray burst jet propagation, development of angular structure, and the luminosity function (1907.07599v1)
O. S. Salafia, C. Barbieri, S. Ascenzi, M. Toffano
The fate and observable properties of gamma-ray burst jets depend crucially on their interaction with the progenitor material that surrounds the central engine. We present a semi-analytical model of such interaction, which builds upon several previous analytical and numerical works, aimed at predicting the angular distribution of jet and cocoon energy and Lorentz factor after breakout, given the properties of the ambient material and of the jet at launch. Using this model, we construct synthetic populations of structured jets, assuming either a collapsar (for long gamma-ray bursts -- LGRBs) or a binary neutron star merger (for short gamma-ray bursts -- SGRBs) as progenitor. We assume all progenitors to be identical, and we allow little variability in the jet properties at launch: our populations therefore feature a quasi-universal structure. These populations are able to reproduce the main features of the observed LGRB and SGRB luminosity functions, although several uncertainties and caveats remain to be addressed.
The physics of Weibel-mediated relativistic collisionless shocks (1907.07595v1)
M. Lemoine, L. Gremillet, G. Pelletier, A. Vanthieghem
We develop a comprehensive theoretical model of relativistic collisionless pair shocks mediated by the current filamentation instability. We notably characterize the noninertial frame in which this instability is of a mostly magnetic nature, and describe at a microscopic level the deceleration and heating of the incoming background plasma through its collisionless interaction with the electromagnetic turbulence. Our model compares well to large-scale 2D3V PIC simulations, and provides an important touchstone for the phenomenology of such plasma systems.
The Transient program of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (1907.07567v1)
Fabian Schüssler
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation high-energy gamma-ray observatory. It will improve the sensitivity of current instruments up to an order of magnitude, while providing energy coverage for photons from 20 GeV to at least 300 TeV to reach high redshifts and extreme accelerators and will give access to the shortest time-scale phenomena. CTA is thus a uniquely powerful instrument for the exploration of the violent and variable universe. The ability to probe short timescales at the highest energies will allow CTA to explore the connection between accretion and ejection phenomena surrounding compact objects, investigate the processes occurring in relativistic outflows, and open up significant phase space for serendipitous discoveries. Aiming at playing a central role in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics, the CTA Transient program includes follow-up observations of a broad range of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger alerts, ranging from Galactic compact object binary systems to novel phenomena like Fast Radio Bursts. A promising case is that of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), where CTA will for the first time enable high-statistics measurements above
10 GeV, probing new spectral components and shedding light on the physical processes at work in these systems. Dedicated programs searching for very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray counterparts to gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos complete the CTA transients program. This contribution will introduce and outline the CTA Transients program. We will provide an overview of the various science topics and discuss the links to multi-messenger and multi-wavelength observations.
Instrumentation And Methods In Astrophysics
The DSA-2000 -- A Radio Survey Camera (1907.07648v1)
G. Hallinan, V. Ravi, S. Weinreb, J. Kocz, Y. Huang, D. P. Woody, J. Lamb, L. D'Addario, M. Catha, J. Shi, C. Law, S. R. Kulkarni, E. S. Phinney, M. W. Eastwood, K. L. Bouman, M. A. McLaughlin, S. M. Ransom, X. Siemens, J. M. Cordes, R. S. Lynch, D. L. Kaplan, S. Chatterjee, J. Lazio, A. Brazier, S. Bhatnagar, S. T. Myers, F. Walter, B. M. Gaensler
We present the DSA-2000: a world-leading radio survey telescope and multi-messenger discovery engine for the next decade. The array will be the first true radio camera, outputting science-ready image data over the 0.7 - 2 GHz frequency range with a spatial resolution of 3.5 arcsec. With 2000 x 5 m dishes, the DSA-2000 will have an equivalent point-source sensitivity to SKA1-mid, but with ten times the survey speed. The DSA-2000 is envisaged as an all-sky survey instrument complementary to the ngVLA, and as a counterpart to the LSST (optical), SPHEREx (near-infrared) and SRG/eROSITA (X-ray) all-sky surveys. Over a five-year prime phase, the DSA-2000 will image the entire sky above declination -30 degrees every four months, detecting > 1 unique billion radio sources in a combined full-Stokes sky map with 500 nJy/beam rms noise. This all-sky survey will be complemented by intermediate and deep surveys, as well as spectral and polarization image cubes. The array will be a cornerstone for multi-messenger science, serving as the principal instrument for the US pulsar timing array community, and by searching for radio afterglows of compact object mergers detected by LIGO and Virgo. The array will simultaneously detect and localize ~10,000 fast radio bursts each year, realizing their ultimate use as a cosmological tool. The DSA-2000 will be proposed to the NSF Mid-Scale Research Infrastructure-2 program with a view to first light in 2026
CubeSats for Astronomy and Astrophysics (1907.07634v1)
Ewan S. Douglas, Kerri L. Cahoy, Mary Knapp, Rachel E. Morgan
CubeSats have the potential to expand astrophysical discovery space, complementing ground-based electromagnetic and gravitational-wave observatories. The CubeSat design specifications help streamline delivery of instrument payloads to space. CubeSat planners have more options for tailoring orbits to fit observational needs and may have more flexibility in rapidly rescheduling observations to respond to transients. With over 1000 CubeSats launched, there has been a corresponding increase in the availability and performance of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components compatible with the CubeSat standards, from solar panels and power systems to reaction wheels for three axis stabilization and precision attitude control. Commercially available components can reduce cost CubeSat missions, allowing more resources to be directed toward scientific instrument payload development and technology demonstrations.
All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory: Exploring the Extreme Multimessenger Universe (1907.07558v1)
Julie McEnery, Juan Abel Barrio, Ivan Agudo, Marco Ajello, José-Manuel Álvarez, Stefano Ansoldi, Sonia Anton, Natalia Auricchio, John B. Stephen, Luca Baldini, Cosimo Bambi, Matthew Baring, Ulisses Barres, Denis Bastieri, John Beacom, Volker Beckmann, Wlodek Bednarek, Denis Bernard, Elisabetta Bissaldi, Peter Bloser, Harsha Blumer, Markus Boettcher, Steven Boggs, Aleksey Bolotnikov, Eugenio Bottacini, Vladimir Bozhilov, Enrico Bozzo, Michael Briggs, Jim Buckley, Sara Buson, Riccardo Campana, Regina Caputo, Martina Cardillo, Ezio Caroli, Daniel Castro, S. Brad Cenko, Eric Charles, Wenlei Chen, Teddy Cheung, Stefano Ciprini, Paolo Coppi, Rui Curado da Silva, Sara Cutini, Filippo D'Ammando, Alessandro De Angelis, Michaël De Becker, Georgia De Nolfo, Stefano Del Sordo, Mattia Di Mauro, Leonardo Di Venere, Stefano Dietrich, Seth Digel, Alberto Dominguez, Michele Doro, Elizabeth Ferrara, Brian Fields, Justin Finke, Luca Foffano, Chris Fryer, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, Dario Gasparrini, Joseph Gelfand, Markos Georganopoulos, Francesco Giordano, Andrea Giuliani, Christian Gouiffes, Brian Grefenstette, Isabelle Grenier, Sean Griffin, Eric Grove, Sylvain Guiriec, Alice Harding, Pat Harding, Dieter Hartmann, Elizabeth Hays, Margarita Hernanz, Jack Hewitt, Jamie Holder, Michelle Hui, Andrew Inglis, Robert Johnson, Sam Jones, Gottfried Kanbach, Oleg Kargaltsev, Sarah Kaufmann, Matthew Kerr, Carolyn Kierans, Fabian Kislat, Alexei V. Klimenko, Jurgen Knodlseder, Daniel Kocveski, Joachim Kopp, Henric Krawczynsiki, John Krizmanic, Hidetoshi Kubo, Naoko Kurahashi Neilson, Philippe Laurent, Jean-Philippe Lenain, Hui Li, Amy Lien, Tim Linden, Jan Lommler, Francesco Longo, Michael Lovellette, Marcos López, Antonios Manousakis, Lea Marcotulli, Alexandre Marcowith, Manel Martinez, Marc McConnell, Jessica Metcalfe, Eileen Meyer, Manuel Meyer, Roberto Mignani, John Mitchell, Tsunefumi Mizuno, Alexander Moiseev, Daniel Morcuende, Igor Moskalenko, Michael Moss, Kazuhiro Nakazawa, M. Nicola Mazziotta, Uwe Oberlack, Masanori Ohno, Foteini Oikonomou, Roopesh Ojha, Nicola Omodei, Elena Orlando, Nepomuk Otte, Vaidehi S Paliya, Lucas Parker, Barbara Patricelli, Jeremy Perkins, Maria Petropoulou, Carlotta Pittori, Martin Pohl, Troy Porter, Elisa Prandini, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Judith Racusin, Riccardo Rando, Bindu Rani, Marc Ribó, James Rodi, Miguel A. Sanchez-Conde, Pablo Saz Parkinson, Richard Schirato, Peter Shawhan, Chris Shrader, Jacob Smith, Karl Smith, Antonio Stamerra, Lukasz Stawarz, Andy Strong, Inga Stumke, Hiro Tajima, Hiromitsu Takahashi, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Vincent Tatischeff, Lih-Sin The, David Thompson, Luigi Tibaldo, John Tomsick, Lucas Uhm, Tonia Venters, Tom Vestrand, Giacomo Vianello, Zorawar Wadiasingh, Roland Walter, Xilu Wang, David Williams, Colleen Wilson-Hodge, Matthew Wood, Richard Woolf, Eric Wulf, George Younes, Luca Zampieri, Silvia Zane, Bing Zhang, Haocheng Zhang, Stephan Zimmer, Andreas Zoglauer, Alexander van der Horst
The All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO) is a probe class mission concept that will provide essential contributions to multimessenger astrophysics in the late 2020s and beyond. AMEGO combines high sensitivity in the 200 keV to 10 GeV energy range with a wide field of view, good spectral resolution, and polarization sensitivity. Therefore, AMEGO is key in the study of multimessenger astrophysical objects that have unique signatures in the gamma-ray regime, such as neutron star mergers, supernovae, and flaring active galactic nuclei. The order-of-magnitude improvement compared to previous MeV missions also enables discoveries of a wide range of phenomena whose energy output peaks in the relatively unexplored medium-energy gamma-ray band.
Monte Carlo Studies of Combined MAGIC and LST1 Observations (1907.07508v1)
F. Di Pierro, L. Arrabito, A. Baquero Larriva, A. Berti, J. Bregeon, D. Depaoli, D. Dominis Prester, R. Lopez Coto, M. Manganaro, S. Mićanović, A. Moralejo, Y. Ohtani, L. Saha, J. Sitarek, Y. Suda, T. Terzić, I. Vovk, T. Vuillaume
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation very high energy gamma-ray observatory covering the 20 GeV - 300 TeV energy range with unprecedented sensitivity, angular and energy resolution. With a site in each hemisphere, CTA will provide full-sky coverage. Four Large Size Telescopes (LSTs) in each site will be dedicated to the lowest energy range (20 GeV - 200 GeV). The first LST prototype has been installed at the CTA Northern site (Canary Island of La Palma, Spain) in October 2018 and it had been since then in commissioning phase. LST1 is located at about 100 m from MAGIC, a system of two 17m-diameter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes designed to perform gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range from 50 GeV with standard trigger (30 GeV with SumTrigger) to 50 TeV and whose performance is very well established. The co-location of LST1 and MAGIC offers the great opportunity of cross-calibrating the two systems on an event-by-event basis. It will be indeed possible to compare the parameters of the same extensive air shower reconstructed by the two instruments. We investigated the performance that could be reached with combined observations.
Entropy Symmetrization and High-Order Accurate Entropy Stable Numerical Schemes for Relativistic MHD Equations (1907.07467v1)
Kailiang Wu, Chi-Wang Shu
This paper presents entropy symmetrization and high-order accurate entropy stable schemes for the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations. It is shown that the conservative RMHD equations are not symmetrizable and do not possess an entropy pair. To address this issue, a symmetrizable RMHD system, which admits a convex entropy pair, is proposed by adding a source term into the equations. Arbitrarily high-order accurate entropy stable finite difference schemes are then developed on Cartesian meshes based on the symmetrizable RMHD system. The crucial ingredients of these schemes include (i) affordable explicit entropy conservative fluxes which are technically derived through carefully selected parameter variables, (ii) a special high-order discretization of the source term in the symmetrizable RMHD system, and (iii) suitable high-order dissipative operators based on essentially non-oscillatory reconstruction to ensure the entropy stability. Several benchmark numerical tests demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed entropy stable schemes of the symmetrizable RMHD equations.

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