ATF should be a convenience store on the street corner. Not a government agency.

in atf •  last year 


Let's deal with this persistent, consistently repeated, and false claim about gun violence that Sheila Jackson Lee just regurgitated in congress -- that eight children are killed by gun violence per day.

Alright, to be fair, this is technically not entirely false. It's manipulative, and they know that it's manipulative.

That number comes from the CDC (and the actual number is slightly lower); but, they decided to clump everybody under the age of eighteen into the "child" bucket.

Most of these reported eight children killed by guns per day are sixteen and seventeen-year-olds who were killed in gang- related violence.

A seventeen-year-old and a ten-year-old are entirely different, and they're conflating the demographics in order to cook the books.

They know that most of that number comes from teenagers killed by other teenagers in cities like Chicago and New York -- places with strict gun control. They also know that the average person hears the word "children" and thinks about cute, innocent, little kids being gunned down in school.

So, they're lying. They know that most people won't do the research. They know that most people won't look into the methodology that generated the numbers that they're using. They know that a lot of people are too scared of running afoul of a leftist mob to point out that they're lying.

What's even funnier about Sheila Jackson Lee's recent rant was that it was in support of the ATF's pistol brace ban.

Well, it would be funny if it weren't a support of a bullshit rule, which was instated by a department that has no right legislate, that can land good people in prison for several years, on the basis of absolutely nothing.

I dare anybody who thinks that the NRA is the Devil's cabana boy to name more lies or falsehoods put out by the NRA in the last fifty years than I can point to coming from the anti-gun lobby in the last two years.

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