Atheist MIND BLOWN by the Recitation & Preservation of QURAN!!

in atheist •  2 months ago 
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه

Hello all friend how are you? I hope we are always under اللهﷻ protection! What a beautiful day today الحمد لله. It's so nice to see you again in my blog. Now I love to share with you amazing da’wah video from Shaykh Uthman Ibn Farooq ما شاء الله

Da'wah comes from the Arabic word 'da'wah' which means "call" or "invitation." In the context of Islam, da'wah is an effort to call people to the truth, invite them to faith in اللهﷻ, and practice the true teachings of Islam according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Da'wah is one of the obligations of every capable Muslim, as stated in the Qur'an, "And let there be among you a group who invite people to goodness, enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong. And they are the successful ones" (QS. Ali Imran: 104).

Da'wah can be done in various forms, either through speech, writing, or deeds. The main purpose of da'wah is to remind people about the true purpose of life, namely to worship اللهﷻ, and to create a peaceful and harmonious society based on Islamic values.

Da'wah has a strategic role in the lives of Muslims, both individually and collectively. Here are some important roles of da'wah:

  1. Instilling Strong Faith
    Da'wah aims to strengthen a person's faith in اللهﷻ. Through da'wah, individuals are reminded of the importance of carrying out religious obligations and avoiding His prohibitions. This makes da'wah the main way to strengthen a servant's relationship with his Lord.

  2. Improving Morals
    Da'wah encourages people to have noble morals. The Prophet محمد ﷺ said, "Indeed I was sent to perfect noble morals" (HR. Ahmad). Through da'wah, Islamic ethical and moral values are taught in order to create a society with character and noble character.

  3. Uniting the People
    Da'wah also has a role in uniting Muslims. By conveying universal Islamic messages, da'wah is able to eliminate divisions and conflicts among people. This is relevant to the word of اللهﷻ, "And hold all of you to the rope (religion) of اللهﷻ, and do not be divided" (QS. Ali Imran: 103).

  4. Building a Civil Society
    Da'wah functions as an instrument to build a society that is civilized and obedient to اللهﷻ. In this context, da'wah is not only individual, but also collective, so that it can have a positive impact on the social order.

  5. Turning on Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar
    Amar makruf nahi munkar (inviting goodness and preventing evil) is the essence of da'wah. By implementing this concept, Muslims can maintain the values of truth in society and prevent moral decline.

However, amidst the importance of da'wah, the phenomenon of lack of implementation of amar makruf nahi munkar has become a serious problem among Muslims. There are several factors that cause this condition:

  1. Lack of Understanding of Religion
    Many Muslims do not have a deep understanding of Islamic teachings. This ignorance makes them less concerned about the obligation to call for good and prevent evil.

  2. Apathy
    Apathy towards social and religious issues is also the cause of the lack of amar makruf nahi munkar. Many feel that this is the responsibility of clerics or religious figures alone, not the duty of every individual Muslim.

  3. Social and Cultural Pressure
    In some communities, social and cultural pressure makes someone reluctant to preach or reprimand evil. Fear of being ostracized or considered a fanatic is a barrier to carrying out amar makruf nahi munkar.

  4. Influence of Secularism
    Secularism that separates religion from public life has influenced the perspective of some Muslims. They assume that religion is only related to personal worship and is not relevant in the social realm.

  5. Lack of Role Models
    The role models of religious leaders or community leaders are very important in encouraging people to carry out amar makruf nahi munkar. When this role model is lacking, the enthusiasm of the people to preach also decreases.


Only believe in اللهﷻ as the Almighty God, without partnersNot believing in اللهﷻ as the Almighty God, The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Accepted prophet محمد ﷺ as the last and final prophet of the prophetsNot believing in prophet محمد ﷺ as the messenger of اللهﷻ
The Qur'an is the last holy book revealed by اللهﷻNot believing in Qur'an which was revealed to محمد ﷺ as a guide to life for mankind
contact me@tramb

So, what are the solutions to revive da'wah and amar makruf nahi munkar? To overcome this problem, the following steps can be taken:
  1. Improving Religious Education
    Good and continuous religious education must be given to the people from an early age. This will increase their understanding of the importance of da'wah and amar makruf nahi munkar.

  2. Providing Example
    Religious leaders, community leaders, and parents must be role models in carrying out da'wah. With example, the people will be more motivated to do the same.

  3. Creating a Supportive Environment
    An environment that supports da'wah must be built, both in the family, school, and community. For example, by holding a science assembly or religious activities regularly.

  4. Using Social Media
    Social media can be an effective means for da'wah, especially in this digital era. Inspirational Islamic messages can be spread to reach more people.

  5. Eliminate Fear and Social Pressure
    Muslims must be encouraged to overcome fear and social pressure that hinder da'wah. This can be done by providing moral support and continuous guidance.

  6. Encourage Collaboration
    Da'wah must be carried out collectively, not just by individuals. Collaboration between Islamic organizations or da'wah communities can expand the reach and impact of da'wah. Muslims are also taught to respect and be fair to everyone, regardless of their beliefs.

Da'wah is the core of a Muslim's life and has an important role in maintaining and spreading Islamic values. However, challenges such as the lack of amar makruf nahi munkar among Muslims indicate the need for more serious efforts in reviving da'wah. By increasing religious understanding, providing examples, creating a supportive environment, and utilizing technology, da'wah can again become a major force in building a society that believes in and fears اللهﷻ. As the Prophet محمد ﷺ said, "Convey from me even if it is only one verse" (HR. Bukhari).

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