It was interesting rereading this Ed Yong piece from 2016 after Trump was elected.

in atlantic •  2 years ago 


In many respects it was prescient about Trump and how he'd react to a pandemic- spreading misinformation, relying on xenophobia above cooperation and effective policy, subverting the power of the CDC and other health experts for his own alternatives. In other respects it erred in assuming Trump would be as reactive to coronavirus as he was with Ebola.

Trump like many Republicans (Rand Paul included) during the Ebola outbreak embraced some extremely abusive containment measures. Ironically Ebola is much easier to contain than SARS-COV-2 and doesn't actually need significant heavy-handed intervention. And in many respects such heavy-handed intervention can undermine Ebola containment.

Trump during the Ebola outbreak wanted to ban flights from Africa- Ebola is actually relatively easy to screen for unlike SARS-COV-2. Infected individuals will develop fevers that can be detected with screening thermometers. Instead of having those individuals be caught at ports of entry and directed to quarantine and treatment, you have them go underground.

He also wanted to restrict healthcare workers for fear of Ebola spread. Again Ebola doesn't spread easily, and all this would do is impair healthcare response and assistance to affected regions.

He called Obama sending aid to other affected countries dumb. Like all pandemics, it is easier to deal with these things before they get out of control. That requires international cooperation, not segregation.

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