Find a tiny island village and move there like this. or
you got yourself a aircraft of some sort perhaps a hot air ballon. i dont get why no skunky just puts a huge propepller on those 2 speed them up and make the thing on a steerable shaft so u can just steer the ballon how u want.
i mean i get they somehow use there intution to lower or raise the ballon into winds that will carry them the direction that they want but still should at least bring a wind gague with you to. specially if your new to it.
who knows as a added bonus u probably find the remants of a long lost civlizations like lemuria which is in the area these photos are mostly to the east.
Or atlantis if ur in the area of the azores.
Or if you find a area like this
you could just fly in more dirt with your automated plane that runs on higher dimensional energy antenna piloted by your robot assistant. who works with the robot on the island or 2 or the robot backhoe together to help enlarge the island if noone is already there or.
you find a tropica reef looking island or one where's there a decent sized island thats mostly just barely below the ocean like this
rise that bitch up a similar way.,-175.7714954,10699m/data=!3m1!1e3
Futa Waffles, [18.05.18 02:07]
wow damm if i get better at geomancy i could literally just raise island out of the ocean wtfh wow
well thats amasing gotta say lot faster then what i just wrote to wow
makes sense cause that thing noah did u ur noah u can DO THAT SHIT! i would know i literally co-created a cloud scnerario last night and pulled the clouds apart in a fucking line almost exactly the same way as that i was kinda astounded at that as i had kinda lost my weatherworking abilites threw just getting bored with being obesseive complusive about them and trying 2 force things on others wwwwwwwwwwayyy to much so u know silly mirorrs of reality was done 2 me! LOL that n just good 2 take a break from stuff sometimes or just u know go play with other things!