The following tracks are a selection of the fantastic independent musicians that use
GrothBros - Gori - 005 - Put in Rush Tanko by @beats4change
Vagn and Soren Groth sessions in 2008
► Listen on CHOON
Premier regard [Wypernet and Lukowig] by Lukowig
Music and guitar: Wypernet
Drums, bass, lyrics, vocal, mixing, mastering and illustration: Lukowig
Thanks to Sylvain D'ailleurs for his advice.
Premier regard
quelque part
dans le passé
m'ont agressé
tes yeux noirs
Premier regard
revenant à ma mémoire
sans pitié
m'ont foudroyé
tes yeux noirs
Bulles façonnées par mes désirs
remontent à la surface
une à une sans prévenir
Bulles gonflées par mes souvenirs
éclatent à la surface
une à une et me font souffrir
Premier regard
magiquement noir
et sorcier
m'ont envoûté
tes yeux noirs
Les lames de fond l'écume acide
n'effacent la trace
indélébile de ton sourire
Sans larme je me morfonds baignant dans le vide
profond qui me glace
et alimente mes soupirs
Interstellar Warp Drive by GrahamWest
Happy Party by @man60360
Hey, everybody, come on!
Want to move? "Happy Party" is perfect for that!!
If you’re having as much fun listening to this song as I did composing it, it’s great!!
Be happy!!!
Whisky Priest by Dark Company
*** Work in Progress / Demo ***
Whisky Priest by Dark Company
Album: Bad Habits
Lyrics by P. Greatorex.
Music by G. Davies/P. Greatorex.
Recorded, engineered and mixed at Wud Records Studio One, Exeter.
Copyright © 2008 Wud Records.
Copyright ℗ 2008 The Dark Brothers/Explicit Music.
PJ Speed – vocals
Zak Black – guitars
Josh Reynes - keys
Maxx Damage - bass
Sven Stiglund - drums
Fun facts:
The song is in the key of Dm.
The music was inspired by Back to Black by Amy Winehouse, which was in the charts and on every radio station at the time when Whisky Priest was written.
This song is about Pete trying to come to terms with the rather grave news from his doctors.
See also:
There are weevils in my tea
And my mind is much too free
I won’t think as I am told
I’m not marked as can be sold
Questions, I got questions
But no answers do I hear
I asked the beings that are all seeing
But none of them were near
Questions, I got questions
But no answers do I get
I asked the Gods an’ odds an’ sods
But I haven’t heard back yet
I asked what was life for
I asked was there any more
I asked will the grass grow
I asked does the rainbow
I don’t walk the way they said
I like to talk to the living dead
I won’t believe the lies
That come around like garbage flies
Questions, I got questions
But no answers do I hear
I asked the beings that are all seeing
But none of them were near
Questions, I got questions
But no answers do I get
I asked the Gods an’ odds an’ sods
But I haven’t heard back yet
I asked where the poets went
I asked if Heaven sent
I asked where the door was
I asked was it because
Answers, I’ve got answers
But no sense do they make
I asked those beings that were all-seeing
But they were on the take
Answers, I’ve got answers
But no sense is in there
I asked the Gods an’ odds an’ sods
But they didn’t want to share
I asked what was life for
I asked was there any more
I asked will the grass grow
I asked does the rainbow
I asked where the poets went
I asked if Heaven sent
I asked where the door was
I asked was it because
Restless by @virtualex-steem/
Releasing some pressure ...
Affliction [Dan-T and Lukowig] by Lukowig
Music and mixing: Dan-T
Lyrics, vocals, mixing and mastering: Lukowig
Comme tous les dimanches, je pressens le vide funeste du jour qui s'achève. J'entends les pâles lamentations du temps, perdu, qui ne saura jamais se situer en ces dimanches soir revenant d'une manière fatale, comme par malédiction ?
Les âmes vivent derrière les murs des maisons, closes, aux yeux fermés pour faire ressortir davantage l'atmosphère froide des rues sous l'éclairage lunaire.
Les âmes vivent mais se cachent, du monde et d'elles-même. Leur chant hurle...
Je respire le parfum inodore de la mort se répandant dans l'air. Je devinne son odeur forte : volatile éther...
Comme tous les dimanches, plus rien à brasser dans l'air absent qui se lit dans mes yeux...
Le temps agard s'égare, se gare sans même savoir où choir...
Attends demain, au petit matin, dans le ronronnement des véhicules, dans les soupirs des bus, les claquements de pas dans les rues, se relèvera la foule et avec elle l'humanité entière, tirée de son sommeil dominical. A nouveau, les cliquetis des machines, les toux grasses, les portes claquantes, les baisers couïnants, les battements de paupière, les ébattement de corps, les battements de cœur rythmeront le temps pour une ère nouvelle : la même que la semaine dernière...
J'espère alors qu'elle sera la dernière.
J'attends avec une conviction profonde une mort dominicale, sous le râle des étoiles...
Turn Around by CyTreXX
Download - Stream:
" ‘Turn Around’ incorporates the same house and pop influences of his previous singles but this time he takes it a step further adding more soul and a higher tempo to this release. The high tempo is matched with soulful synths and very catchy vocal samples which are sure to get you humming along right from the start. As the track progresses, more groovy and funky synths and sounds are added to the mix which send this track to another level. ‘Turn Around’ is the perfect single for any house music lover out there." (EDM House Network)