Smart people are not infallible.

in attia •  last year 


One of the best books I have ever read. Highly recommended for my friends and not recommended if you’re an enemy.

This book is an IQ test for America and the world. Dr. Attia gives the most inspiring metrics and chunking of knowledge to inspire more and better EXERCISE.

I am fully vindicated and backed up by scientific and medical research for what I have been saying since 2013, which is that VO2 max is the best measure we have correlating to longevity, and boosting VO2 max is the most direct way to add years to your life and life to your years.

The one place Dr. Attia discredits himself is in raving about the COVID vaccines. He clearly knows how the read medical reports, but somehow he’s missed the 720+ negative side effects documented by Pfizer and ModeRNA about their toxic gene therapy, including increased cancer, heart attack, stroke, pericarditis, myocarditis, neurological disorders…everything Dr. Attia is trying to help readers and his patients reduce.

If a medical expert like Attia can be sucked in by the psyop I guess I can see how easy it was to ensnare over 90% of US health professionals.

Just goes to show that no one knows everything.

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