30 Days Of Book Launch- Day 12- (Establishing My Blogging Potential)- Follow my self-publishing journey.

in aubreyfox •  7 years ago  (edited)

Establishing My Blogging Potential

I have been blogging for a few years now, but only really blog and write articles on two platforms. 

Steemit & LinkedIn. I do share to a further five platforms, but these are the ones I use primarily. 

So, currently I use the 'Steemit' Platform to host which has financed by book writing. Within 10 months I have taken out around £1000 from blogging and I have currently the equivalent of £4,000 in account which I will draw down as and when I need it.

A little about Steemit:

It works on a cyber currency called 'steem' which you build up by getting rewards from other steemit users The rewards come when people 'upvote' your valued posts. Steem can be transferred into currency such as GBP or US Dollars, plus much more.

It is also on a reputation basis. So the more you blog and create good content, the more you build a good reputation. I have two accounts, one at 62 (My Aubrey Fox author page and one at 67 for my other lifestyle blog- www.bloggingitlikeagoddess- I know shameless plug)

Seeing as the highest reputation is coming in at around 75- I am not doing to bad.

Steemit Information


I use Linkedin for the readability element and information content- I.e what other users provide. I find it the best to source information clearly. I'm not saying it has the BEST content, but I am saying that it is easy to source and the people you are connecting with generally have credible sources on their profile, so you get you see who you are dealing with. I like that.

But the problem I have is this...alot of people are very wary of Steemit and although I am a huge ambassador, it doesn't give everyone the opportunity to interact and it is similar to LinkedIn whereas with LinkedIn, it is the opposite. The is the pressure of being seen as super professional.

As I write this, I realise how odd it is that I have chosen two platforms that are at two different ends of a spectrum!

Also with Steemit there are not as many views coming through on posts, even with sharing links and you just don't know who the views are coming from. Is it people who are after a quick upvote?People who are looking to see if your post is going to be popular or not (you get rewards when you upvote popular posts) or is it people who actually appreciate your post? 

BUT please remember Steemit have only just gone into their second year, they are still yet to make their marking impression.  

With LinkedIn it hosts a 'no spamming' image, and it makes me feel like I am having an impact with more views and article clicks.

I will remain loyal to both of the above as I think they are great for different reasons, but I will also be having my own blog as my own brand. Seems like a lot of hard work to manage the three, but it should pay off. I'm looking for visibility remember, and that needs attention.

The Million Dollar Blog by NATASHA COURTENAY-SMITH

I don't buy a lot of non-fiction books (unless for Uni) as there is so much free stuff on the internet, but after my mum gave my a WHS voucher, I thought I would try this and it was worth it. At first it starts to talk about fashion blogging and so fourth (as examples) and if that is you, great, but if not, stick at it. It's really useful and it has made me realise that a blog is unique to you AND has so much potential. It discusses everything from markets to SEO's, types of bloggers and how to make money from blogging. 

It is certainly worth a read.

So my next move is to start putting my 30 Days OF Book Launch onto my new blog that I have built so I have some content ready for the Offical Book launch day 

(27th October- In-case you forgot!)

 30 Days Of Book launch (Days 1-7- Just in case you missed any!) 

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