Auction Finds - Pretty Pictures (Part 2)

in auction •  8 years ago  (edited)

Simply because I had to many to fit in...

Beauty heals our souls, and each one of us have varying needs and tastes. Buying art from auctions, both at the saleroom, or online, is a cost effective way to score some great pieces. I probably list on average between 10-15 pieces of art online each month. Additionally, we sell heaps of pictures in our shop.



The average price I sell a framed print for online is around R100 ($7), and the average price of originals, depending whether they are watercolours or oil paintings range from R220-R450 ($16-$33), framed and unframed. After selling online for over 5 years, I have determined these are the prices people are most willing to pay. Obviously if I get hold of a famous artist, the price will be adjusted accordingly.








Oooooh, so many bird pictures!!!          




The most I have sold a painting (actually a smallish drawing) for was by the famous Belgian painter, who spent most of his life in South Africa, Frans Claerhout and it sold for R4000 ($296). I also had a case of a painting I suspected was by a very famous artist, but couldn't be certain. We do not live in an area close to specialised auction houses, so I never got it appraised. I did eventually sell it for R3000 ($222) to a local friend of mine, the curator of our town's museum. For the life of me I can't remember the artist's name!

Thank you for reading (viewing)! Please follow me @onetree

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You really do get to see ( and hold) a lot of amazing items, Lovely Pictures!

Thanks @awgbibb We also have a shop! This is why I barely keep or collect anything, I have stuff overload! (Though I am partial to crystals.)

So many creative art works. I am not a material person but I love collecting art and photography but had to sell and give most of it away to live in a small house. If I had the money I would live in a mansion > just for the artworks! I'm hopeless when it comes to getting high on artists creativity. Heck with that > in life in general I have to constantly let go. I am too easily amazed by almost everything I see. I am sure the Doctors have a name and box for that.
The sky > non stop attraction in its movement and beauty > every step we take > every car ride we ride in > It doesn't matter if we sit, stand, sleep, walk, run, drive > even meditate. Could you imagine what a world we would live in if everyone had theirr hearts/minds and eyes open to see the creative artistry all around us. The harmonious flow of love and ingenious passions would engulf us. There are days for me its sensory overload and I feel like the most content person on the planet!
Didn't I tell you artists bring out the best in me. This long winded comment started viewing your post and now you have my brain pan oozzzzing all over it.
You are doing wonderful work in life > blessing people and their walls and sharing an artist's work of dedication and energy . I pray success and only the best in all you do, @onetree.

Wow Wow Wow!!! What an amazing comment. You have the rarest of gifts, an unbridled joy for life. I am so grateful for coming across the post about you today, because people like you are the only hope our world has! As I have said in previous posts, I don't keep much, I just enjoy the objects as they pass through my hands. Don't ever stop being you @pitterpatter

Omy you got tears flowing.
It took a long time to get to where I am. Sheer hell growing up. I lived with monsters yet had the touch of grace on me to help me not ruin my life. Some of the drawings I did back then showed me I had darkness in me and I could turn out like my abusers or worse. I'm sure no one starts out wanting to hurt or kill children.
When we are ready a teacher will come even if it's comes in a sentense or two and you never see them again.
Someone once told me and I can't remember who it was. >

"There are treasures in hell that can't be found anywhere else.. Don't waste your time with pity parties you won't be there forever."

I was completely alone and through that quiet time I found a best friend > an amazing friend I may never have found this person any other way. That friend was me. On the outside I heard how useless and stupid and worthless I was. I was told to kill myself just before a newspaper interview about my art > and almost did if it wasn't for the inner voice that gave me better advise. > So I did the interview with a red face and a tear stained face.
Later on in an art show I was given a student award for best graphics and met one of the judges that became my mentor. He taught me more about life than art and it got me pointed in the right direction from then on.
I'm living an amazing life. I still have a long way to go but it proves we all have our mission papers in life and if we don't do it no one else will. That is how improtant we all are. We all have our pain and no one's pain is worse than anothers. So > no excuses > Our mission is to know what we have to do in life and it seems you have found one of yours.

Now I feel tearful! And that quote, oh my goodness!!! I am blessed with an amazing family, but have gone through so many intense experiences. That's why that quote really speaks to me. It is so true about teachers we find along the way, and that even a sentence can be a teacher. You are very inspiring. And you have unbelievable strength to have survived, so you were made to make your mark on this world.

All of us have marks on the world. I hope to reach mine
and I hope you get to know the feeling of reaching yours.
It's a wonderful feeling when you reach your target in sports.
There is no words to describe what it feels like when you reach one in life.
We don't get, only, one bulls-eye for our life-time we have many and it bolsters every being within when we hit them.

I am very happy to have discovered you. 💖

There are no accidents. I am blessed to have you brought into my light. there are some people you meet and then there are some people who make you grow.

great choice of pics! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much, I enjoyed sharing them.