in audiobooks •  6 years ago 

linktr.ee/magicmikemazz For by unlike his own and I'm reading the fall of western man by mark a let's abortion is the most selfish and immoral acts to abort a healthy child is actually to kill your unborn baby in an effort to ensure your own selfish and materialistic gain is the single most unnatural thing a woman can do the overwhelming natural instinct has always been for the parent to put the child first at any cost a loving parent would always go without if need be in order to ensure that their offspring had everything it needed the loving parent has always had an over wealth and drive to protect their child and keep their child seat even if that meant the parent putting themselves at risk fifth to develop super ego and western moral code always put the protection of the young first once an adult had brought a child into the world the adult was no longer the center of its universe the child was in for the sake of that child and parent would strive relentlessly to ensure the child enjoy best quality of life possible alone for a child is one selfless and unconditional now it is anything but the love for oneself a materialistic gain is now so great that killing ones unborn baby is not our only desirable but it is socially acceptable every natural drive has been turned on its head is is yet another victory for the aid as immediate selfish thing is prioritized about the long-term well being of one's child and responsibility one should have course that child obviously there are of course cases where abortion should be considered by a woman but these are few and far between in the case of conception through rate or conception through incest weary father brother or uncle is sleeping with a family member that of course abortion could well be justified the same is true in underage relationships or where a minor has been groomed into sexual relations with an older other older male there is also the case of children who will be born with major birth defects or significant disabilities which would drastically decrease the quality or length of life of the child by Elliot the development of the child in some way which the mother's life at risk in the continuation of the pregnancy or childbirth would likely result in the death of the infant and mother and his best the infant is terminated however make no mistake to terminate the life of a healthy baby out of selfish desire for material gain goes against every natural instinct a woman should feel abortion effectively takes the natural and motherly instincts a woman should feel and turns them on their head was more wide-scale abortion in the west effectively terminates the future of Westerman every year in england's and Wales alone there are over 1180 thousand abortions factor in the rest of the UK EU will likely reach a figure of around 1/4 million unborn children being killed every year in Britain a loan was even more frightening than the sheer number of abortions is the fact that the vast majority of these abortions are carried out on western females and represent the deaths of hundreds of thousands of western babies something that will no doubt please the enemies of the west the feminist from playing it is the woman's right to choose is your body but that is not strictly too true the body of the child is a separate the human was composed of the DNA of both the mother and father IDs is a living braving baby with a heart and mind for was more from a very early stage of development that child feels pain and reacts to its environments feminism sees abortion as a triumph of power and control for the female abortion is seen as a way for a woman to break free from the shackles of the patriarchy and rebel against nature by throwing off her natural callings in truly advancing to a level where nothing can stop her in the pursuit of are newfound desire to compete with their male counterparts abortion up so represents the defeat of personal responsibility is yet another damaging in false moral code for the young western mind teaching the next generation that one should not have to take responsibility for one's actions and then taking the easy way out is morally acceptable to make abortions socially acceptable at the sizes that one can do is one places and pursue pleasure in this case sexual pleasure without having to worry about consequences or duty again short term gain an individual pleasure are put before responsibility and long-term commitments feminism as for the reflected the birthrate by prompting women to see men as their competition not their partners the drive to compete with the mail has made them and the enemy of the woman is division between the sexes have fled to women no longer wanting loving relationship is as they distrust man and see them as the enemy no one wishes to share a home and pursue a loving relationship with their natural enemy in herein lies the problem many women were never meant to be enemies and it is holding a natural for them to be so again the feminist mindset reduces the chance of women becoming mothers or having large families by setting the female against the mail the final role of feminism is clear is not only an attack on femininity and a loving mother is not just an attack on men in the formation of couples and marriage is an attack on the very future of the west the final goal of feminism and the enemies of the west to promote it is the reduction of the western birthrates through working the mind of western females by the promotion of materialistic goals promoting competition competition with and distrust for men and a growing trend of abortion on demand the western birth rate has been decimated the very future of Westerman lies in mortal jeopardy as western folk are no longer breeding and are no longer having large and a families western couples didn't ever later to have children and put off their duty to their community for the extension of short term that surrealistic pleasure which they wish to Carreon long into their thirties and forties is true to say that the future of any race or culture lies within their women's wombs no race culture or tried that has ever survived and prospered as does so with a declining birthrate or an aging population the future of our people lies in its ability to pass on its genes and this morals and values to the next generation and to ensure that the next generation survives prospers and Carries on down the path made out by its forefathers is the birthrate of the group falls in the next generation is continually smaller than the last there regardless of all else that group faces certain extinction western civilization took stock of the fact and that is why the moral code passed down from generation to generation was to protect ensures the woman and a child the learning learned moral code in at any key part of the western super ego that was passed down from generation to generation was that women and children came first and if necessary the man should lay down his life in order to protect in shelter the next generation and those who would raise them men took the most dangerous jobs men left the home to go and fight wars and men toiled in order to feed and clothe and protect their families Barton are developed western super ego the very collective consciousness of western man was to ensure the survival of the females in society in order to always allow for the population to rebound in the maximum number of children to be raised even if the male population declined through war or hardship to go back to our analogy of bees many worker bees can perish as can many drones and the colony can still recover however the loss of the queen would be catastrophic as she is the one who gives birth to the next generation without her there is no next generation that would not matter how hard the worker bees toiled or how much pollen they collected or how well they defended the hive would all be for nothing a few tile act if they were the last of their kinds without the prospect of a future generation to carry on their legacy all the hard work and all the sacrifice would be in vain is their DNA and their colony would vanish relegating them two extinction the same is true for humans and that is exactly why the females in western society have always been protected because they like the queen bees are the ones who literally carried the future of their community with them western society knew that often they would be great conflicts warren cataclysms and there's times brave and were the men would make the ultimate sacrifice because as long as the females of breeding age and younger survived the sacrifice would not be in vain to put this on a very simple mathematical level that society is composed of 100 females and Ten Males in nine months time there can be 100 females Ten Males and roughly 100 children in his ID is composed of 100 Males in 10 females in nine months time there can be 100 Males 10 females in around 10 children one society has the chance to grow rapidly and increase in number and the other is likely to reduce the number and have demographic problems which will most likely the intuit extinction is is why females were protected and kept out of harm's way not because of the evil patriarch be that wanted to keep them of greatness her because they were slaves but because the future of the Westerman play in their wombs the crucial issue is the replacement of the population a society can either grow or be sent into decline to two the number of children it produces from females of breeding age were discussing the number of children being born in any society there is a crucial figure to bear in mind this figure is known as the replacement rates replacement rate is defined as the number of babies needed for female upgrading age in order to simply maintain the population and its current level the figure of 2.1 is where they consider to be the replacement rate the average number of births per woman there will maintain a group's current population level many western birth rates have now fallen as low as 1.3 by western birthrates we mean the birthrate of people more on one of European heritage not those of immigrant populations the birth rate of 1.3 is a critical low point in two different demographic are dim either for is this number has a special mathematical importance in the birth rate as low as 1.3 groups population would be cut off in half in less than half will be cut in half in less than 1/2 century creating a falling off a cliff a fact from which it would be nearly impossible to recover in less than 50 years the population would have in the downward spiral would be so severe that would be almost impossible for the population to recover as a birth rate falls not only does the population decline that there is also a demographic ship her young population to an aging population the aging population is no longer productive or reproductive and needs to be supported by the decreasing number of young people within that society is demographic shift would say greater pressure on the young as reader is rather than having time to procreate in raise families is spending creasing amounts of time tending to the elderly is dried to protect the elderly and support the elderly result in longer working hours more duties in the home and reduced free time that all have are not only the time spent meeting perspective partners and making children but also the free time available to raise children but the birthrate of western women is only the tip of the iceberg that we lived in a perfect society was as discussed earlier is both homogenous and mono cultural a falling birthrate would still be a serious cause for concern as it would be an indicator that serious issues were plaguing the population in driving people away from the natural call two pro parades and raise families however despite the issue of a declining population the group would remain homogenous and be more likely to retain its culture and hence more likely to make the difficult recovery necessary in order to raise its birth rates and recover mono cultural societies have suffered declining birth rates during times of war feminine are chip however they have recovered afterwards the birthrate sharply declined in periods of war were men were away from home fighting overseas and were separated from their wives these periods were also followed by a baby boom when the conflict was concluded and the man returned home and there was a natural drive to have children and three copulate said and we do not live in a perfect society and we live in an imperfect society western countries are now no longer minor cultural but they are multicultural and multiracial it's many different groups live within one wider society that is discussed in earlier chapters these groups all have their own respective cultures traditions and moral values they cause them to be distinct edu: different and sometimes opposite directions to the other groups within that wider society earlier was stated that if one group within a wire multicultural or multi racial society was to start to decline in shriek in number and loses cultural ties which found the individuals in that group together would likely be dominated this Troy aid for and absorbed by the other stronger groups within that wider society enhanced cease to exist Westerman now struggles with the critically low birthrates and we know that the native populations of western countries are in decline however it is constantly stated that western nations have a growing population in fact the UK population has steadily grown over the last 50 years from 50,000,000 tube over 64,000,000 is worth noting that 64,000,000 is the official number which relies on official census data is figure takes no account of those living within the KLA delay or those not filling out the sensuous accurately likely truth is that the population of the UK is far closer to 70,000,000 if those who are native to the UK are in decline if their birth rate is falling in there can only be one conclusion to why the overall population is increasing its utter its immigration and the rapid growth of it and explosive birthrates of the immigrant communities that have settled in the UK is is a recipe for disaster for western civilization and western culture is due to the demographic issues plaguing western nations that looks increasingly likely that Westerman will become a minority in his own homelands and western nations face a double as demographics or a critically low birthrates mix with an explosive growth in the immigrate immigrant population in immigrant population that is culturally foreign and often seeks cultural and social dominance over the native people dominance is a goal that is far more easily achieved when numbers and demographics are on your side and those numbers in demographics are not in the favor of western man feminism has had several wide ranging affect some western society that has driven or act of wedge between the natural partnership of man and woman sitting them against one another this change the mindset of the female and made her more materialistic and most crucially has caused a shift away from childbirth and reproduction that is drastically affected the western birth rates the enemies of the west and the individuals to push the feminist agenda know this and they know what effects these trends will have on the long-term stability of western society and the survival prospects of western man feminism is just one of the attacks on the western consciousness that seeks to undermine the family and reduce the western birthrate but arguably it is the most important than surrealism and selfishness for both sexes the scenic huge rise in the number of individuals who choose not to have children or those order choose to have fewer children the defining characteristic of feminism that sets it apart from other attacks on western man is that feminism seeks to actively break the woman's maternal instinct and feminism seeks to repress every natural and motherly instinct a woman may have ensuring that those who hold the future of western man in your wounds are no longer willing to have children the goddess of the number of men who would wish for a child is all but a relevant of the females within the group refuse to play their part and choose instead to turn their backs on the ideals of family and motherhood the west is now reaching a crucial point in its history a critically low birthrate is coupled with a large growing and culturally aggressive immigrant community if this continues Westerman will slowly disappear with a whimper rather than a bore and western civilization will be confined to the history books the western female must regain her sense of selflessness and rediscover her natural feminine urges and motherly Collings and join with the western mail to form the family bonds the surf the west so well and helped lay the founding blocks for western civilization that she does not western man will stand alongside the dinosaurs is a once great but now extinct form of life but this is of course just what the enemies of the west and those who propagate feminism one wish for swell of weathering and masculinity and the famine eyes to mail fifth is feminism has worked that the western female turning her from a kind carrying feminine and motherly woman in two and shallow and selfish individual who wishes to emulate her male counterparts the western mail has undergone his own transformations the western mail was the Alpha the strong father figure who dispensed order and discipline and was a beacon of authority has become weak and famine eyes in a sickening and highly unnatural role reversal Westerman has said his dominant strong and Manley ways and become them in eyes week in subservient the strong hunter gatherer provider protector and guardian has weathered becoming emotionally driven and unstable due to a mixture of lamentable role models a week and role in society and an increasingly purposeless existence in his new role the western male adults everything his forefathers would have once scorned he becomes recluses from replacing from other Males the dresses and presents himself in ways that are more akin to that of a female and finds himself increasingly unable to live up to his natural role as the health law there are many reasons why the western mail has declined in such a way and they are a direct product of the sustained attack on the western super ego the enemies of the west have sought to undermine both the family units and its individual constituent parts the male and female the enemies of the west has sought to subvert the natural order of life by reversing the role of the male and female something that has weakened the west the breakdown of the family unit is the first and most obvious cause of emasculation of Males within a western society the family unit is the cornerstone of western society and a fully functional family unit is composed of a loving mother and strong father figure both the mother and father have important roles in the development of a young child and both serve as role models to the child in different ways in early infancy both children spend nearly their entire waking day with their mother is early part of human development is where it has been takes place in the close bond between mother and child speeds the mental and physical development of the child killed Ron Weber stronger bond with their mother through their early development become more mentally advanced as time goes by in the child grows up the amount of time the child spends with his mother will change young females will tend to continue to spend more time with their mothers will see young Males would typically spend more time with their fathers this helps the child to develop their natural gender roles as the authority figure and disciplinarian in the family the father would have a crucial role in imparting the super ego the learned part of the psyche to his son in outstanding a strong father becomes an important role model to a son that helps the young mail from any form an image of his ideal self which is the young man grows in develops he strides toward the western family unit has been under repeated attack from the likes of feminism a relaxation in social attitudes force both marriage in single pick families and through relaxation of the laws surrounding divorce is now more and more common to see single parent families where a father figure is not present in the household is removes the disciplinarian from the home and leaves young Males without a strong father figure who would serve as their primarily male role model and source of inspiration for their ideal self young male would naturally spend more and more time with his father is he grew up developing his masculinity and learning how to become a man in a world where there are an increasing number of broken homes resulting in an increasing number of children who lack contact with their fathers many young Males now grow up without the influence of their father in essence the strips the young male of his primarily male role model sleeves young Males looking to their mother as their primary role model in the home something that leaves the mail from an honest and emasculating despite their but he's good mothers who do their best to raise a family on their own there is really no substitute for the discipline and order of the strong father figure just as in infancy there is no substitute for a loving mother when infant intentions two just as depriving a young infants of its mother causes stunted missile development and even depression in a small child depriving young Males of a father figure as they develop can have similar mental a fax young male who lacks a father in the home is increasingly likely to base his vision of an ideal self on his mother and hence more likely to adopt feminine traits us is obviously a good thing that young females base their ideal self on their mother for young male this is not ideal is it presents him from developing his natural gender role as the young male will learn compassion and empathy from his mother is super ego will not fully develop in the way of mail should and he will be unlikely to learn masculine traits and therefore in later life be unlikely to assume the role of a disciplinarian and authorities' figure said it a problem of the single parent family doesn't exist as an isolated issue within an otherwise healthy and moral society society once and safeguards in place community leaders and role models for the tag on the role of father thing figure for young Males they came from broken homes however this is less and less the group the case in the modern world lack of a father in the home is now compounded by the lack of strong male role models within the community and a reduction in manly outdoor pursuits for young Males to engage in as discussed earlier the scouting movement that's another strong male dominated groups that took young men out into major and taught them how to be men but slowly been undermines and mothballed isn't working and competing alongside other Males and learning from holder stronger Males in the community young men are increasingly confined to the home where they spend long periods in isolation playing computer games watching television and reading comic books as social creatures human beings are used to working in groups and learning from personal interaction with one another for young man being assigned in a group surrounded by other young man roughhousing fighting and competing against one another Key PDA guess each other as well as working together learning from one another and forming bonds is friends are all important social interactions young male learns from this group dynamic is different mail strive to be the Alpha and each young man learns his place in the group this group development is vitally important and it is lost when youngsters are confined to their bedroom engaged in solitaire east pursuits is noted that in today's connected world young people are not truly alone as they are connected to each other via mobile devices computers game councils and tablets however this virtual connection is not the same as proper human action interact interaction is of less important characteristics present in face to face interactions such as eye contact and the ability to read and others they shall expressions it's th in the solitary pursuits group dynamics are rarely developed the Liane youngsters become withdrawn from the real world and able to interact as they should when presented with real face to face social interactions in also get distracted enough how important being in the natural world is for young Males the natural world is beautiful but also harsh and often unforgiving being outside and taking part in physical pursuits toughens the mail and allows him to be in touch with his natural side learning to deal with the elements the environment and the challenges that environment presents to him is is in direct contrast to the overly coddled environments where the spoilt and overindulged youth spends his time in warmth and comfort will stay immersed in a fantasy world on the screen in front of him when the young Males to go outside the got coddling follows them every form of physical activity has been tampered with and in some way pass out in the name of health and safety at one time build a rope swings climbing trees and diving into Rivers was the norm for any healthy young boy now these pursuits are off limits for fear of a grace knee or bruised arm even the pursuit of playing conquers is now a company with a pair of safety glasses strong and outgoing nature that used to be in common with the young boys is now actively discouraged with it very nature is what turn boys into strong and upstanding men the brave young boy who was the first to try the rope swing was a hero amongst his spells but now he would be at munched the buried message this imparts is one of weakness of them and eyes message that robs young men of their natural urges and Collings was used to strive to become man there was every young boy's dream to be acknowledged by his Elders and accepted as a man his age and rite of passage is present in almost every culture when Westin man's ancestors formed their first rides on the frozen plains of Northern Europe he formed hunting parties and brave the elements to bring food back to the dwellings the young Males came of age they were taken out by the older established Males who taught them the ways of that Reimer younger Males learn to hunt is part of a group and the scales were honed by the older more experienced mails younger Males looked up two and admired the older Males in their first punt with the group was a rite of passage the important juncture where the boy became a man that passing down of masculinity help the young male developed his super ego by presenting him with role models they looked up two and based his ideal self on young male would feel immense pride in a sense of belonging when he was accepted into the adult group and became one of the mature Males of the trying the sensible logging and acceptance the gimmick you sense of self worth and self esteem and made him feel like he belongs the sense of pride and self worth increased his strength and respond to a stride and as people in the Skelton develop into a man who wish to protect and serve his own people and ultimately become a father and passed down the scales and morals that were once passed down to him the trend of the sun following the father and undergoing a rite of passage was something they continue throughout history right up until the west underwent deindustrialization when young men left school they would often go to work in the traditional industry that was predominant in their town or city and they would usually go to work with their father these industries were strong in masculine industries is strength in the mail spirit and tested his body mining fishing heavy industry and manufacturing they're also industries that taught young man a scale or a trade something that the young man could take pride in young men were look up to his father and wish to follow in his footsteps and when he left school and went to work in his father's place of work in the industry that is provided for generations of his family the one will only would become a man young apprentice would take pride in learning a trade you would feel that he was making a worthy contribution to his community and contributing financially to his family ultimately this would allow him to move on and start his own family young Males were surrounded by older Males who would teach them the skills they would need to hone in order for them to succeed in the workplace the skilled Males were in essence no different to the steel hunters who led the hunting parties that welcomed the young man of the tribe when they came of age the older Males imparted scales to the young man and help the young men build their super egos to the development of the ideal self says this thousands of years ago young men developed into adults and went on to teach future generations how to hunt as time progressed young men became adults and talk future generations the skills they needed to succeed in the it industry in which they worked by lee when the young man had cut his teeth and work it was welcomed into the community hub where he could relax and share away learning tree with the man he had once lived up to but now worked alongside you were there was no divisive generation gap that separated father from sun the sun wish to be like his father and carry on his fund family traditions is way of passing down the family and Lindsay ridge from father to son was central to the western super ego and tide the current generation to the past and doing so created strong masculine man with a decline of industry and the closure of Southern Manufacturing many of the towns and cities built around those industries fell into ruin was proud many there languished on state and benefits incest and home drinking and smoking or forced to retain in jobs they would have found humiliating and a mean old of these outcomes left many men feeling rout of their pride is the old industries declined and working class areas became sick as states the Lobos closed in communities were left shattered no longer the young men go to work with their fathers and undergo all right of passage in become a man and used generation gap rumors were a father could not relate to a son and the sun never became a man in his father's eyes the strong masculine mail was an individual with purpose and pride a man who would go on to be a strong father and a part discipline and order to his children but when routed that purpose and pride the mail became weak young men watch their fathers waste away on the sofa shadows of their former selves young men then adopted poisonous role models in lieu of their fathers another strong Males who wouldn't shake them in the workplace that war male role models presented two young men are often very often weak ineffectual and highly fair and honest Males is discussed earlier these poor role models in part a defective super ego to the young man searching for an image of an ideal self to worked ward Iraq and role models presented by the enemies of the west showcase everything that is wrong with society the so called role models emphasize the pursuit of selfish had a mystic pleasure push notions of rebellion against the Elders in society and make fun of tradition and culture the role models placed in front of young men are no longer warriors explorers captains of industry or investors they are metro sexual mixed up man who blur the lines between male and female metro sexual man who own hair straight and there's wear makeup dress and skinny jeans and spend hours in front of me are getting ready to not build strong nations that is not to say men shouldn't be well groomed in well presented the well dressed groomed in handsome man was the epitome of the western mail the Welsh aid styling one's hair and wearing a sharp suits were something to be admired when men start wearing makeup carrying handbags interested in close that are better suited to women a line has been crossed an increasingly the western mail is now on the wrong side of that line just as the enemies of the west placed headedness said feminist in front of young women to turn them away from their natural mother the calling the enemies of the waste west placed feminist Males in front of young men to break the strong Westerman we have discussed my strong Males are important two western society they make good fathers the bill strong communities me apart order and discipline which enables a strong super ego to be imparted to the next generation a strong share super ego help subgroup to pass down their moral values and traditions from generation to generation something that helps make a society cohesive as a sense of shared heritage in tradition ties communities together and built a strong culture a strong mail is also important to the healthy to the natural and help the female a healthy female chooses to make with the fit is mail that it is mail is not defined by the modern meeting of the word fits which relates only to physical attractiveness the fit is mail is the best provider is strong and dominant and is a mail that a female can imagine having children with that e-mail chooses the fit is mail on his ability to ride for her and her children in on his ability to act as a protector guardian lover provider and strong father when a female chooses which partner she is to give are cell two she is choosing a male with whom she seeks to form a lasting bond and raise children with if the female wouldn't choose a week sick fifth or defective man as that mail would be unlikely to be able to give her everything she needed important leave the female isn't looking for a man solely to provide for her own needs is looking for a man to provide for her unborn children the western female knew that through the harsh winters and the times of scarcity a strong mail was needed to ensure her children survived it was part of the western females motherly instinct to choose a strong mail as a way of protecting her children that the mail us to look date a perspective male partner and assess whether his characteristics were something she would like to see expressed in her children a healthy and strong mail would like the other healthy and strong children the selection process where a female chooses the strongest mates is highly natural and can be seen throughout the animal kingdom never does the natural and healthy female choose the defective or weak mail to sire children with these basic biological Colfax and evolutionary pressures are now working against western man as the western mail becomes weak in famine and no longer presenting an image of strength in masculinity of the minded western females locales are to find a mate the enemies of the west know this and are all too quick to resent the western female with the better option than a western mail that feature of western man lies in the wombs of the western female a Westerman has no future is the wounds of the western female are occupied by the seed of a foreign people western females to do search for a strong the dominant male or increasingly looking for is other cultures and other racial groups to find that strong male other cultures with not abandon their traditions in ways of life become a false beacon of hope to these lost western families must lost western females who seek a strong elf a mail that will provide for them and protect their children of course this only serves to further decrease the western birthrate and further seal the fate of western man was more as men from other cultures see the decline of the western mail the increasingly target western females as easy pickings these men know the western female will not be satisfied by the weak emasculated western mail and she will be instead attracted by the strength of a more dominant male is part of a culture that is healthy and strong so will stream Males turn their backs and western Males under the misguided hatred for men's those western females who are still in two with their natural instinct to find the fit is mail also turn their backs on the western mail and Schuster and bridges foreign cultures in order to find a partner with a lack of a strong father a lack of strong male role models in the community and the Tennessee to hide indoors is shy away from social interactions with other youngsters young western Males have become weak instead of being outdoors and a natural and healthy environment learning the rules of life in forming bonds that both nature and appears increasingly young boys hide in their bedrooms playing out fantasies in the coddled and over sanitized environments that denies edition of the western mail now starts from a young age and the destruction of purposeful and fulfilling employment and traditional rites of passage and ensure that the boy rarely becomes a man or role models and the media that is intent on pushing the metro sexual male image whether some it is feminization process imparting a work in vision of an ideal self upon young man that increasingly embrace traditionally feminine pursuits and you choose to present themselves interest in an increasingly feminine matter manner the reason for the feminization of the mail are all too clear of the Nuys mail will never make a strong disciplinarian or authority figure that presents a week and image of the west two men of other cultures tournament and who still have their natural instincts insect turn away from those sweet western Males instead they seek solace in the arms of strongmen from other more dominant cultures whether further accelerating the falling western birth rates for the enemies of what the west feared a strong western mail that is why they are hell bent on attacking the structures and ways of life that make the western mail strong that denies western mail is not the same man who greeted western civilization strong man creates civilization and take strong men to defend them 13th and destruction of loving relationships fifth the two most natural instinct and a creature possesses of the will to survive and the wish to reproduce people often ask what is the meaning of life by the mentally the meaning of life is life itself and the truth is expressed in the will of an individual to both survive and procreate in the simplest terms a successful organism attempts to prolong its own life for as long as possible entering that life seeks to reproduce and ensure his offspring survives two maturity the route the history of this planet the strongest the best adapted to survive and those with a natural advantage over others have lived longer the longer and in an organism lives the more changes it will have to procreate impasse on its genes to the next generation ensuring that ultimately the organism lives on after death through future generations of its offspring is assigned to natural selection and a slow improvement of the gene pool over time the weaker individuals and any group died more readily and at a younger age has they were less likely to pass on their genetic code and the weaknesses within its the strong survive longer and were more likely to pass on their genetic material hands over time week traits and characteristics were likely to be brought out of a group a strong traits and characteristics were likely to become more pertinent within the group and overtime postrace would improve further and become progressively stronger where tens of thousands of years the slow in arduous process that led to many incremental changes and improvements and Westerman has changed and develop to become what he is today to two of them leave most unique traits of Westerman RS ability to reason and his inventive spirits the streets are surely a consequence of living in such harsh conditions during western man's early developments in Northern Europe if only Westerman was not hardworking tenacious and inventive you were perished in the harsh winters as he would've either frozen or run out of food and starve to death these conditions met only the for the best manage to survive and went on to pass down there genetics which in turn improve the gene pool is was the very beginning of western civilization is same inventive and creative edge went on to give the world electricity the combustion engine great works of architecture as well as our to stick and cultural masterpieces are all is to take place though sex was necessary sex is a natural drive covered by the aid insults sex is something that we seek immediate animalistic satisfaction from the fact that sex feels good and is so enjoyable is of course in an evolutionary advantage the survival of any organism depends on its ability to reproduce with the active population was painful as gusting or undesirable that would be a major evolutionary flaw as the organism in question would be less likely to reproduce six being pleasurable is an evolutionary advantage as it makes us want to do its intense us into sharing our genetics in creating the next generation and scissoring our continued survival early western men soon learned not to be driven simply by sexual desire as sexual desire is a product of the inn in needs to be restrained and controlled by a developed super ego is super ego and mental control over sexual urges starter to develop back in the earliest days of western man's development you've already discussed the pressures on early Westerman help greet the beginnings of the nuclear family Westerman had the urge for sexual gratification but because of the harsh winters and difficult condition and western man's northern homelands a man that abandoned his Parker was unlikely to see his offspring survived the western mail had to stand by his female companion and they had to work together in order to protect and nurture their children ensure their survival those who gave in to their permitted drives and pursued sex with many different partners choosing to abandon their children rapidly saw their bloodlines coyotes those who stuck with one partner in control their urges confining themselves to sexual activity with that Parker sell their offspring survive as they were there to protect and nurture those offspring is part of the two parents families and this was the beginning of the trend force monogamy and lasting life partnerships in this point it serves us to be reminded that human beings will still being a part of the animal kingdom are much more mentally developed than other creatures as such the bonds we form with our Life Partners are based on more than simple attraction sexual chemistry and the desire to procreate humans developed a powerful motion research and bond to individuals to one another for life that emotion is love love is the deeper a motion that causes a human to commit completely exclusively to one single partner loved by just to our partner for life and provides powerful urges to Cherish in protect our partner at all costs love is a crucial part of the super ego and forms part of our conscience is something that allows us to bond with others on a higher level and most importantly overrides the aid before don't sexual pleasures with others in order to protect the feelings of the one we long that that we choose to stay down to one individual shows restraint in conscious which is indicative of a developed super ego love is the emotion that says one person above all others in the eyes of their partner is the motion it stops and individual string is simply going off and pursuing and was sexual liaisons referendum partners crucially love transform sex for many animalistic act based on self ratification and pleasure alone into a love really loving act which satisfies the spirit as much as it does the body love take six to a higher level and this promotes monogamy and lasting human relationships love bills the nuclear family and is thus responsible for helping to build western civilization as western society developed love was enshrined in ratified in the active marriage is is evidenced in modern marriage found to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to Cherish from this day forward until death do us part the words love Cherish in until death do us part underpin every marriage

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