Auragraph for Musician

in auragraph •  4 years ago  (edited)



You must now rely on your Intuition, to decide to take a Chance on something that is coming – a risk, that will change everything. It might be this reading! You must use your intuition to serve the Earth – turn away from what “most people” are doing right now falling into this “virtual reality” game that people are getting into and go deeply into your heart- this is your calling. Natural Law – there is a set of non-manmade unchangeable universal conditions that govern the consequences of behaviors taken by beings that have the capacity for understanding right and wrong…and that is what you are being called to get into... here is a video my friend made about this – which might help you.

All of us who have incarnated here on earth at this time are here for a reason – to save the Earth and humanity, so whatever you thought you had planned, this is what your true purpose is at this time and however you are going to get it done – you will.

The drawing is of a person playing a base guitar and a Guardian standing behind the person giving them the music. That’s what this is about – letting God send you the messages through intuitive thought and you letting them flow through you into whatever you are doing!

Don’t take credit for it – its not from you – but you and everyone else can benefit from it! This is aligning yourself with Nature.

I am going to give you my recipe for Meditation and Prayer which will, if you follow it, put you in this position of being guided and give you this amazing gift to share with others.

Direction for Meditation and Prayer

The solution is that you let God be the Director of your life, then things will go much better for you, because you will always know what to do because you will be guided by a Power greater than you that has your best interest in mind for the Highest Good of all concerned.

A good place to start would be MEDITATION and PRAYER. Start with a few minutes of silent meditation in the morning and at night - and increase it as you can. You can count backward from 25 and try to see the numbers in your head- this will block other thoughts from coming in. The purpose of meditation is to get out of the ego self and into the observer self so that you are no longer attached to ideas that you believe are real… and you can get into the silence - this does take practice. Yoga can
help with this as well. Breathing into your stuck points in your body while doing a stretch can help you find mental silence.

Prayer on the other hand is for throughout the day - and it requires practice to become a working part of your life - Asking at each point when you set out to do something - what is God's Will in this situation?

Pausing and waiting and then looking for the answer in signs or intuition, chance meetings or things that come from outside you to start with ... You can do this with minutia as well as big decisions. Practice at the grocery store when standing in front of the bread isle – there are so many choices - God, what kind of bread should I buy? and then pause and wait to see which bread seems right. It takes practice. The finite mind is not going to want to give up it's status as the ruler - so it might be confusing and frustrating but the more you practice the more it will become a working part of the mind...

Even making mistakes shows you are trying and you will get great rewards
from that -

Acknowledging these miracles - by writing them down - makes them more and more believable - not something to be brushed off as "coincidence" - or not even noticed -

In addition, during this "crisis" we are in - you could Pray for a simple way you could be helpful to others - and for the ability to let go of the results - you do not know what is best for others - but you
can be helpful to them in some way -

This will get you out of yourself and let the Higher Power have a chance to work out the right decision for you - so that you will know what to do when you need to know it...

To keep this channel open, you will also have to do a few simple things – treat others the way you want to be treated, The Golden Rule, which relates back to Natural Law - – this applies to all sentient beings. Clean up past mistakes. Be honest, polite, helpful, and kind to others. Mind your own business, maybe get off social media – and be the true person God made you to be.


I made you a talisman to help. “Divine Love guides and directs me to miraculous adventures through intuitive thought”


Please contact me with any questions or concerns!

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