The Real Reason For A False Pandemic?

in australia •  4 years ago 

Most people on this platform, would already be aware that the current fiat system had a very finite lifetime.


When the money you print, to pay the interests on your loans, is a loan in itself, it's not hard to do the math.


Now, if you're controlling this system, you should surely be able to calculate, rather accurately, the end date.

Knowing that this was coming, and not wanting to bear the brunt of the inevitable backlash, wouldn't it be much easier, to have a staged global pandemic, then use this as an excuse, to justify the draconian lockdown measures, and the consequent economic collapse, from business proprietors, having their right to trade, stolen from them by the state, then blame the economic collapse, on the pandemic?

With the majority of a states population already living in cities, should the food supply chain falter, community sustainability at those populace levels would be catastrophic.

While the majority of the population in the cities are killing themselves, over extremely limited resources, the state is then free to concentrate its forces, on the rural, sustainable regions, also providing the opportunity to root out any terrorist conspiracy theory cells in the process.


Once viable regional resources are secured, the states forces can then focus their attention on the cities, the residence of which, by this time, will be ready to accept any kind of assistance, regardless of the level of tyranny demanded for it.


Of course, this could only happen in a sci-fi book, or at the movies, couldn't it?

This could never happen in our country, in our time, could it?


So, getting back to the fictional story, how do you think it ends?


Please comment below, with your response.

A. The government saved them.

B. Bill Gates saved them.

C. Elon Musk saved them.

D. Aliens saved them.

E. While everyones attention was focussed on the mask wearing debate, the Chupacabras came and ate them all.

F. They woke up, and saved themselves.

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