The Banker & Politics - Australia

in australia •  7 years ago 

I often hear the complaints of people having no money even though the both parents work. You have banks driving up property prices and not to mention local and state governments increasing the UCV (unimproved capital value) so they can increase the annual taxes on the property. Well let's think about it a little and I will speak my views about the situation as I see it. Back story! Now I did live the supposed dream of having a family a big house cars and working saving for my retirement (that's mandatory) as a worker. yes I was asset rich and I would like to say cash poor but that's not exactly true, my mortgage was only $670 every 2 weeks with an interest rate of about 6.5% and we where handling well making double the payments over a period of 12 months. We purchased the house at the low time in the market in 2000, and with us both working everything seemed to be on track. But with everything in life the more comfortable you get the rug get pulled out from under you. I realised I needed to start over again, well not so easy and even if you are in a good position financially. I thought about looking for an small town house but really I was priced out of the market and I did not want to go into such large debt.

Well let's look at the problems the reserve bank and government policies who are basically big business with the backing of the tax payers. There is talk and a bill going into government to pass the seperation of commercial banking and normal baking. But this is only part of the problem you really need to break up the two party preferred system of government in Australia and reduce the size of government. We need a direct democracy if you don't know what that is it's where the people decide not the elected representatives. The current goverment system say they are working in your favour to help your future but then continue to raise the retirement age. If you think you will get your superannuation you are kidding yourself the failure of the system is coming. I have come to terms with this fact so I decided that it's not worth working up to this point in my life and buying a house well this is also a stupid idea.

I am watching the markets very closely and as you see this stupid system we have where your savings in the bank makes nothing, but at least I have saving unlike lots of others. My life has changed considerably where I lost interest in cars, houses, having the latest devices, and looked at what I really needed well it's a place to sleep food on the table and a place to wash. Well I took a risk and purchased a yacht and the reasoning behind doing that was based on the numbers. To rent a place here where I currently live is about $450 a week and up now that's not including electricity and water. So by doing this I reduced my weekly out goings to $178 per week including water and electricity.

There are many things that can be addressed and generally we are all being fooled by governments and even worse the bankers. Really it's all down to the people to do something about the situation but I suspect that's asking too much so for me I just want to live a simple life be happy and enjoy a life not as a slave!

So I guess I wonder what people think or are they only pushed by greed?

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