Where is the law that states that just because we are in any given geographical location we are subject to its laws? When were any of us asked if we wanted to be "citizens?" How can it be assumed that simply because I was born in any geographic location, I am owned, or part of a group, or collective, I may not wish to be associated with? For example. I detest that our monetary system is owned and controlled by private Bankster citizens, who pulled a financial coup on our government in 1913 and have been openly subverting our Bill of Rights ever since! I detest the wars these Bankster scumbags have had us mired in and profiteering by since the Battle of Waterloo! I hate that their control of our monetary system has allowed them to subvert our Constitution, (which was ratified fully interpreted and supposedly etched in stone), yet suddenly requires interpretation and scholars to "help us" understand the plain meaning! I am for NONE of the terrorism our country has been forcing upon the planet, nor am I for the genocide! I want nothing to do with it! I don't even want to get started on their illegal, immoral and unconstitutional war on drugs which is simply a tool of control!
One last point...If I was not born with any special, (God given, if you so believe), right to command you, and you were not born with any special authority to command me, and NO ONE ELSE was born with any special authority to command another , then how do two or more combine their "NON-EXISTENT" authority and tell the third what they can and cannot do, (beyond the law of trespass that is)? Zero authority, plus zero authority, equals nothing more than ZERO authority! Voting should be considered a criminal act whenever it violates another's right to do anything so long as it does not violate the law of trespass against another's property or self!
A shakedown is a shakedown! Extortion, is extortion! It is not okay simply because an artificial entity calling itself government says it is!
There will be no involuntary servitude!