Sight and Sound Novel’s Forward

in authormattcole •  7 years ago 

Before the introduction of flesh, there lived another race. These entities were not flesh born, rather brought about by light, fire, and the heavenly bodies. The creator of these entities viewed them as his family.

All was well until the creator expanded his creation to man. This new creation could not live in the higher dimensions, as the original race of beings. So the creator had placed man in the four dimensions of time and physical space. The original entities lived outside of this volume of space and marveled at the flesh born. Originally, the two races worked together. However, there rose an army of 200 celestial beings that made a pact among themselves. They fell from their dimension and became flesh. They took men’s daughters as their wives. These 200 had leaders, but all were viewed as gods and had children.

These were those men of renown.

The 200 and their children brought man into captivity. These grew to fight against the armies of the creator. This caused a division between the two opposing sides. The war was made and war continues to this very day. The leaders of the 200 were defeated by the armies of the creator and thrown into prison. Before their fate, they were made to watch as their children were made to fight among themselves, then destroyed in a great flood. Now the children, having no place in the heavens or earth were trapped between dimensions of reality.

Through the ages, men forgot about this war. Stories of gods having children became myth. The idea of a world flood became an argument. Those children trapped found no peace throughout time. Their torment is paralleled with their hatred of the flesh born. Their desire was to return to space and time. They wished to live again as kings, queens, and gods.

Over time, communication would be made between those trapped and the flesh born. Through deception, the enemy promised to give those fleshborns the ancient secrets. Through that communication, men have begun to build a bridge and slowly weaken the prison wall. Over time men have worked with those in prison to unleash them. Unknown to man, they were helping in their deception. A select group of men began working on a project for the means to aid the enemy’s return to our physical reality. Unknowing they were to be enslaved.

With the veil being weakened, some of these hybrid children can inhabit the flesh by will. Some must be asked through rites and objects touched by their fathers. One way or the other, every hybrid child is part of the war to reclaim the physical realm.

Their end goal is to first reclaim the Earth, then release their fathers from the darker prisons.

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