Aydan's Road to Recovery from Autism and Vaccine injury: Where have we been, where are we now and where are we going?

in autism •  7 years ago  (edited)

For those of you who don't know, I have been writing Aydan's Road to Recovery blog since 2009. My son, Aydan was diagnosed with autism in 2007 after receiving multiple vaccine injuries. I've detailed it in several of my articles, my podcast Truther Talk, radio interviews, etc.... But that wasn't the initial intent of my blog. All I really wanted was for my son to get better. I had read about family's who had great success recovering their children from autism using different bio-medical treatments and I was hopeful that I could find these solutions for Aydan. I wanted to write about these treatments as we tried them and chronicle the events of Aydan's recovery, so other families could benefit.

Over the years after countless hours of researching and reading, I kept coming back to the vaccine injury component. I wanted to move forward and focus my attention on recovery. I wanted to write cute anecdotal stories about the kids and recipes but the vaccine injury kept rearing it's ugly head and I couldn't ignore it. I met other families with horror stories of children regressing as old as 5, 8, 10 years old... I heard stories of seizures, kidney disorder and death... It became a matter of responsibility to speak the truth and I felt compelled.

The more I dug into this rabbit hole, called the Vaccine Industry, the more disgusted I became.. I have yet to find the bottom of the hole.. It is a bottom-less pit with no end in sight... When you think you know it's bad and dig a little deeper, you realize it's much worse.. But I digress...

In the midst of all this, I never stopped looking for solutions and I never gave up my dream of healing, Aydan. No matter how many years would pass with failed treatments and money lost, I kept the dream alive and never saw any reason to let it go. Even well intended friends have suggested, I accept and move on but I never understood why I couldn't accept things for how they are while maintaining hope for better. I do accept my son is 12 years old, non-verbal, suffers chronic gut pain and is still severely autistic.. I accept that reality and love him as is, and will continue to do so even if it never changes; however, I want better for him and I want him to live without pain and I will never give up on trying to make it so..

Now a little bit on the history of autism. Leo Kanner, child psychologist who did the first study and coined the term, autism (Greek for 'within oneself') in 1943, dubbed that 'infantile autism' was the result of bad parenting. Later it would be cited as being a result of a cold, neglectful, unfeeling parents and the term 'refrigerator mother' was born. This was not a good look for the parents of children with autism but autism was still very rare.

This would remain the accepted belief until 1964 when Dr. Bernard Rimland wrote his book, "Infantile Autism". He noted that autism was not the result of bad parenting but was a neurological disorder that resulted from environmental toxins such as the ones found in vaccines. He recommended a treatment plan that included vitamin supplementation, diet, behavioral therapy and auditory training. He along with Dr. Sidney Baker and several others established the Autism Research Institute in 1967 and later the DAN (Defeat Autism Now) protocol. As the years would go by, the autism numbers would increase faster then the doctors could research and find viable treatments. Rimland never stopped looking for solutions and was one of the first doctors to suggest Medical Marijuana for autism.. He was very ahead of his time.

You can see Dr. Rimland in this very moving video, addressing an audience of autism parents. See what happens when he asks how many of their children regressed following vaccination...

This was supposed to air on CBS... It didn't...

Though Dr. Rimland passed away in 2006, his legacy certainly hasn't. One of his colleagues and original creators of the Autism Research Institute, Dr. Sidney Baker is still treating patients.

Much like Rimland did, Baker has seen the need to evolve the biological treatments over the years. As the numbers increase as well as the complexity of symptoms, autism and autoimmune disease have gotten way out of hand. The CDC estimated number of people diagnosed with autism is currently 1 in 68, with 1 in 6 children having a developmental disability. The more current statistics provided by TACA (Talk About Curing Autism) have the rate at 1 in 38. Honestly... WTF?

While I could spend all day going off on this, I'll bring it back to Aydan. As we're still seeking healing and recovery, Aydan's doctor reviewing Aydan's file as a 'tough-nut' and 'non-responder' to previous treatments has referred us to Dr. Sidney Baker. Dr. Baker has come up with a therapy in recent years that he has been used to treat people with severe gut disease like my Aydan. Many have autism, autoimmune, asthma, allergies, etc... It's a unique type of pro-biotic therapy meant to repopulate the gut with... here's the strange part... parasites... Weird, right? When I first heard this, I thought it was odd to say the least and then I read 'Epidemic of Absence'. This book lays out the evolution of disease and how we've traded pathogens that are usually healed with a healthy immune system for chronic life long illness. What has changed? Well... vaccines, antibiotics, antibacetrials, antifungals.... you name it. We're killing off too many bugs without discrimination as to whether or not they actually have a benefit.

If you have about an hour, I highly recommend this interview with Dr. Sidney Baker to see how he found and uses this therapy..

Baker has always looked at the individual with autism as a unique person and never allowed the label to drive the treatment. He doesn't recommend Helminth therapy for everyone but for those who have done all the supplements, diets and fermented foods without seeing a restoration of gut health. For those, like Aydan...

Aydan and I traveled to Austin to see his doctor last December and since he recommended Helminth therapy with Dr. Baker, we've done one treatment. And guess what? The treatment worked! Aydan has been calmer, happier and has shown far fewer gut symptoms. The treatment costs about 150-180 bucks including shipping, every couple of weeks.. It's not cheap! We are due to have another treatment but haven't been able to afford it just yet.

Any upvotes on Steemit and/or donations to Aydan's Road to Recovery have and always will go towards his healing and are currently trying to fund his next dose of Helminth therapy.

Prayers and well wishes are also warmly accepted!!

Citations for this article are as follows:

-A MOTHER’S DESCRIPTION OF WATCHING HER SON SLIDE INTO AUTISM AFTER VACCINE…AND SHE WANTS HER SON BACK – GAIA HEALTH: https://therefusers.com/a-mothers-description-of-watching-her-son-slide-into-autism-after-vaccineand-she-wants-her-son-back-gaia-health/

-The Next Stage in Aydan’s Recovery!: https://aydansrecovery.wordpress.com/2017/12/12/the-next-stage-in-aydans-recovery/

-Leo Kanner’s 1943 paper on autism: https://spectrumnews.org/opinion/viewpoint/leo-kanners-1943-paper-on-autism/

-30 Solid Scientific Studies That Prove Vaccines Cause Autism: https://circleofdocs.com/30-solid-scientific-studies-that-prove-vaccines-cause-autism/

-How the Vaccine Industry Uses Hollywood, Mind Control and Force to Create a ‘Brave New World’ of Transhumans!: https://aydansrecovery.wordpress.com/2017/05/03/how-the-vaccine-industry-industry-uses-hollywood-mind-control-and-force-to-create-a-brave-new-world-of-transhumans/

-Bernard Rimland’s Infantile Autism: The book that changed autism: https://www.autism.com/50thanniversaryinfantileautism

-CDC Statistics on Autism: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html

-New report shows 1 in 36 U.S. children has an autism diagnosis: Now will people care?: https://tacanowblog.com/2017/12/05/new-report-shows-1-in-36-u-s-children-has-an-autism-diagnosis-now-will-people-care/

-Learning About Autism
Sidney M. Baker, MD: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3865375/

-HDC: http://biomerestoration.com/hdc/

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Hello! I am looking over your posts. Just the fact there is a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program tells me vaccines are not harmless as many claim. Sudden adverse reactions to a vaccine would be easy to prove I believe and therefore likely to get some compensation? Otherwise I think it would be hard to prove it was due to the vaccine. I tend to think my Son was born autistic but I don't know. He was born premature. Other than crying more than normal, he seemed otherwise fine as a baby. If I knew his condition was a result of a vaccine and could prove it I would sue for all I could. A conspiratorial side of me thinks if it is vaccine related it could be some type of program to reduce global population---just one component of a plan. It's crazy too---the vaccine pamphlet they give new parents to record vaccines in is more like a small booklet---in other words---I think they give too many. I'm somewhat haunted I guess in regards to my Son as I think you are too. Your devotion is obvious and touching. Thank you!

Oh my goodness. This is some really amazing research you have done on Autism. I learned alot reading your post. My son is on the ASD Spectrum as well. We started noticing symptoms when he was 2 years old. To this very day I'm still not sure if his condition is a result of the vaccines he received as a baby. Fortunately due to intense therapy he is thriving Thank God! But I still don't trust vaccines and refuse to allow him to get anymore.

Thank you. I'm glad to hear your son is doing well, that makes my day!