RE: Hating Autism

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Hating Autism

in autism •  7 years ago 

" I always hope my good intentions to eradicate autism from the human non- genepool "

You try to separate our autism from us, as if it were a necklace or pair of shoes, or an extra limb one can just lop off and be done with.

Autism is not a part of IS us....woven throughout our being. To hate autism is to hate the autistic. Down syndrome is woven through every cell in a person's body. To remove the gene is to fundamentally change who a person is...which is pretty much the same as no longer being that person. Autism is only different in that it's not so clear-cut easy to spot the origins.

I don't discount that being autistic can be challenging...but so is being the minority in any group of mixed-bag anything. I'm sorry if the challenges are too much for those you know. Trying to erase who they are and teaching them to hate a part of themselves is not productive nor kind. I know that not everyone sees their autism...or their race, gender, nationality, etc as a part of their entire selves...some divide themselves into partitions. But hating what cannot be changed, regardless of how you see nonproductive, pointless, and damaging.

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