Angelo's AUTISM Journey: The Diagnosis

in autism •  7 years ago  (edited)


What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

 According to Autism Speaks, a very active organization spreading autism awareness, “Autism, or autism spectrum disorders (ASD) refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences.” Therefore, kids with ASD do not have the exact same condition, they differ in weaknesses and strengths.   

My son Angelo was born on April 29,2011 through cesarean (same as his older brother, Andrei) at Baguio   City, Philippines.. It was one of the happiest day in my life. On our second day in the hospital, his Pediatrician noticed that his palate is a little high than normal. I asked “what does that mean?” then the doctor said, “he might have a hard time in drinking his milk (breastfeed) because it might go through his nose”. But I told him I think his fine. But his pedia added, “this might also a sign of being a special kid but let us hope that he is not”. I was like, oh really, speechless. After that, me and my husband discussed about it (I had the same vitamins and regular pre-natal check up as his older brother), surf the net about it but we did not find anything since it was still early to make a conclusion. Praying that our son will be okay as he gets old.   For his first 6 months of life, he was developing okay. He likes to smile and laugh while playing with his Dad and brother. But he got sick due to pneumonia and was hospitalized for 5 days. He was given strong antibiotics. The incident occured when he was 10 months of age and it was really sad.   After his first birthday, I noticed that he was having a delay in speech and even in walking. He can fully walked by himself when he was 1 year and 5 months. His motor skills was okay but he was still having a delay in his speech. Some say that children are unique on their own and can develop different phase. My worries started when he reached 3 years of age. Still non verbal, potty training problems, he does not like to play with other kids, no eye contact and what scared me was he was hitting himself when he was upset. I talked to my husband and we decided to set an appointment to a Developmental Pediatrician.

 It was July 2014 (Angelo was 3 years and 3 months) when his condition was finally concluded. Dra. Millicent Fronda-De Vera, a Pediatrician specializes in Development and Behavior at Notre Damme de Chartres Hospital, diagnosed Angelo in the Autism spectrum after an hour of assessment. As a mom, I was devastated and about to cry. I was devastated but I never denied. I questioned my self but never I questioned God. My family believed that there is purpose in everything. For the Bible say’s according to the book of Deuteronomy 31:8 - And the LORD, he [it is] that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. I accepted my son’s condition, composed my self and move on. My family supported us emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I am blessed to have them. 

This is Angelo when he was 3 years old and was diagnosed of ASD

After this, Dra. Fronda-De Vera, a very kind and compassionate doctor, recommended Angelo to have his Occupational Therapy atleast 3 times a week, it was the first intervention we did for Angelo. 


What is occupational therapy (OT)?

 According to Corinna Laurie's article ( Occupational Therapist) from this site: Occupational therapists work to promote, maintain, and develop the skills needed by students to be functional in a school setting and beyond.  Active participation in life promotes: learning , self-esteem, self-confidence , independence, social interaction.  Occupational therapists use a holistic approach in planning programmes. They take into account the physical, social, emotional, sensory and cognitive abilities and needs of students.   

With cooperation with his gentle and kind therapist, Teacher Jen, Angelo’s behavior gradually changed. He can control his emotions, eye contact was a big improvement! He can look at me in the eye while we play and words he can speak gradually increases. Occupational therapy and home activities was really a big help in Angelo’s condition. But this is just a kick start to his Autism Journey.  

Here is Angelo having his Occupational Therapy session with Teacher Jen. His brother was with him.

 From that time on, all of my family’s decisions are based on “autism decisions” as me and my husband called it. We must consider first whichever is more suitable and less stress for Angelo if we make decisions like traveling, where we should eat and what to do for a day. It was December 2014 when my husband’s papers and requirements to enter down under are ready (he was in Japan since 2013). But we decided not to push through because it will be hard for a special child to enter Australia as they believed that conditions like ASD is a burden to their tax payers and to the government. So it is a Nah for us. Besides, Angelo is more important than down under.   

 Currently we are residing in Japan, a big blessing for us! Japan welcomed my son and very compassionate to their special people. I fell in love with Japan as they accept my son. It was 2016 when Angelo arrived Japan, continuous therapy and day service here is such a big help. Very kind, sweet and gentle teachers surrounds my son every service he attended. 

Angelo's Christmas Party 2017 at Rabbit Kidz,Japan (therapy and day care school)

Going for my swimming lesson-Angelo (summer 2017)

Rabbit Kidz, Japan (Therapy and day care School)

   Angelo may have a long journey to go through but with love and support of his family, above all with God’s guidance and grace, I know he will be okay.    As an Autism mom (a mom with a child in the spectrum), I am my son’s voice and advocate. To spread Autism Awareness, I created a facebook page for my son. You may visit Angelo’s Autism, Journey at FB page 

A very sweet and kind brother!

I have known some mom’s, especially the new autism moms, gave them a chat and advice since like me before, they felt so devastated and they are in need of support. In this way, I can help them. I f you are a mom with the same struggle, give me a message and let us talk about it (fb page).   I will continue to share Angelo’s Journey towards Autism here in Steemit.   

Excursion Day!

According to Dra. Fronda-De Vera, experts are still uncertain what causes autism. It may be caused by environmental factor or genetic factors. But for me, whatever the cause is, I love my son and will always love him. 

 Spread Autism AWARENESS. Be an ADVOCATE. I am not asking for upvotes but I will be glad if you RESTEEM to spread awareness. Thank you!   

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Wow....nice and cute baby @pierre-anna28

Thank you @monisteemit sure he is with a pure heart and soul, an angel. He will be 7 this year. 😊💕😊

nice to meet another special-needs parent here :)

Hi @zeppelin nice to meet you! I hope to meet more special needs parents here in steemit 😊

Hi @pierre-anna thanks for sharing your story. Have you already met on steemit @alanfreestone, the doctor who understands a lot about autism. All the best!

Hi @johano thank you for the information about @alanfreestone I am going to check his post right now! Thank you very much! 😊

All the best for you and your lovely son
Good post👍
Upvoted and followed you

Thanks @robkas 😊