Autism #1 cause "Ignorant Doctors"

in autism •  7 years ago  (edited)

Can I inject your baby boy?
Do you know if my kid has the MTHFR gene mutation or do you even check?
Do you know if injecting neurotoxins during the immunological programming of the brain is bad?

Don't worry It's just a fever you know because that's what happens when neurotoxins cross the BBB.

Just take some Tylenol?
Do you know if Tylenol depletes glutathione which is necessary for the removal of heavy metals?

Do you realize vaccinating can exhaust the body of almost All your vitamin C?
Why don't you take preventative measures?
You cannot Because you are a Ignorant trained Doctor.
First do no harm?

Do you know testosterone is an enhancer of mercury toxicity?
Hence one of the reasons more boys get Autism than girls.

(26 doses) first year of life!
More poison!
More neuroglia activation!
More inflammation! Encephalitis
More contamination!
More Assault on your immune system!
Elevating blood histamine levels!
(Immune response pathways,
Allergy and Asthma related genes, Cancer genes and immunological diseases).
More mitochondrial damage
More impaired blood flow!
More Disgusting Ingredients, antibiotics, antigens, preservatives, adjuvants, stabilizers, buffers, emulsifiers, polysorbate 80, CTMB, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, live viruses, egg protein, human DNA, human cell lines from aborted infants, 2-Phenoxyethanol, and protein from human blood
during the immunological programming

(1) Prime the Microglia!
(2) Over activate the Microglia and Astrocytes .
(3) Send out Pro Inflammatory Cytokines
(4) "Cytokine Storm"
NEVER ending Activation and Inflammation!

Vaccine Injury!
But we will just call it Autism !
Trust me I'm a Doctor.

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Big pHARMa < Ignorant Doctors trusting LIARS > vaccines > adjuvants > brain inflammation> Encephalitis > over stimulated microglia and astrocytes > constantly pouring out pro inflammatory cytokines during the immunological programming of the brain > cytokine storm > oh it is just a fever that is normal just take tylenol > great deplete your glutathione which is necessary for the removal of heavy metals> next well baby visit more doses more poison, more activation, more destruction >autism.

Neuroglial Activation