The difference between drivers and motor vehicle operators. Which category is most like you?

in auto •  7 years ago  (edited)

I call it the “IDIOT LANE”.

It’s the middle lane of a stretch of interstate highway 65 that is generally flat, visibility is decent, and it is heavily traveled with individuals going faster than, equal to, or slower than the posted speed limit of 70 miles per hour. However, these lanes exist anywhere there is a highway with more than two lanes.

In general vehicles going faster than traffic flow drive in the far left lane. Individuals driving slow tend to stay in the far right lane. Then there’s the middle lane. Individuals seem to enter that lane, and stay there.

I often imagine that their thought process is, “Driving is easy, all I got to day is stay here, and people can pass me on either side!” In essence they are blocking all lanes of traffic. They are the rock in the store that water can only go around (Unless if is high water).

They create hazards as drivers wanting to overtake them from the right lane, are unable to switch lanes. Drivers in the left lane often have to spend more time there than they want, because the middle lane is occupied by the discourteous, often clueless occupant of a motor vehicle, smugly thinking they are not contributing to any unsafe situation!

Perhaps some clarification is in order. There are drivers, and motor vehicle operators. A driver can operate a motor vehicle; however, not all motor vehicle operators are drivers! Anyone who says, “Driving is easy,” is not always a safe drive. They operate a motor vehicle, and assume that makes them a driver.

A driver is courteous. They pay attention to traffic flow patterns, and want to accommodate others whom maybe overtaking them. They signal, they change lanes without cutting other drivers off, and have situational awareness. They can see if another driver is getting into an awkward situation, and adjust their driving to accommodate them, and prevent accidents.

The motor vehicle operator is so self absorbed that they drive as if they own the road, and you are their guest. They don’t consider that their lack of situational awareness is creating issues. They know how to operate their motor vehicle and therefore they know how to drive, and do not allow any new learning or lessons!

There are too many motor vehicle operators, and not enough drivers.

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