Hello everyone,
This is William Nabaza or Weblord from the
Philippines you have called in the 1990's now I'm
back, as Weblord and have recreated cashsurf.us as
Trex.Nabaza.com - http://trex.nabaza.com/?ref=1
Please just go there and register another account.
This is the same autosurf for cash but with a
little twist, it's now surf for bitcoins.
If you're in a hurry, and don't want to read
anymore, just signup here
Here's the following features of Trex.Nabaza.com:
Initial Share Bonus: 1 = 1 x $0.0000005 share
Surf Refresh Time: 30 seconds - I see autosurf
with longer surf time
Cash Bonus: Surf 100 websites first
Contest Cash Bonus: 0.0000005
Share Amount: 0.0000005
Maximum Shares: 10
Inactivity Time Limit: 10 days
Number of sites to surf: 100 websites before a
user can receive signup bonus
Validation of website: You can validate your own
website as long as it's according to terms
Free member Maximum Credit per day: 50 credits
Upgraded member Maximum Credit per day: 100
Free member Daily ROI: 1%
Upgraded member Daily ROI: 2%
Site stats for both free and paid member will not
be deleted.
Weekly email: Receive your weekly detailed stats
and about the autosurf:
Welcome to Trex.Nabaza.com - Trex Dinosaur Traffic
Let your website(s) receive that Trex dinousaur of
a traffic. When you join here, everyone is given
time to browse the website for 30 seconds and I
know you see longer than that, but anyways, so
that members can get familiarize with the website
and if a member is faster, they can signup for an
account with the browsed website since you can
pause your surfing.
Our Advantage:
Our goal is contact leads, increased membership
for every member's websites, leads, and even
sales. I am both an owner of a website and a
surfer too, both manual and autosurf traffic
exchangers, and I don't want robots but human
beings surfing and browsing each another's
websites. Since most of us in the business world
don't have time to click even, this is the
solution to your traffic needs - autosurf money
earner and traffic earner in one. So see you all
from the inside!
Come and see the insides of it:
I'm still cleaning the cobwebs from it and some
buttons are not yet there, still in the making.