in aventure •  7 years ago 
Hello to the whole community, today I arrive with a new delivery, this time it is a camp to Cerro Cabeza de Vaca, which is in the town of Lobatera in Venezuela, in the perimeter of the place is a variety of landscapes, such as the forest of pines, mountains and from the top you can see some nearby towns and the sky of Lake Maracaibo, you can also see deforested land product of coal mining, currently abandoned by the economic crisis that is experienced throughout Venezuela, so the workers of those places chose to go to other countries to have a better income, we could also find some suspected petroglyphs or fossils that at this time the relevant studies will be done to verify their veracity, if true it would be another great discovery for The team, since our goal is to find petroglyphs and give new anthropological records about the Indigenous settlements in Venezuela and also fossils.

Then I will leave a series of photographs of the places visited and the camp, I hope you like them, vote and comment, until the next installment.



View from Cerro Cabeza de Vaca of the town of San Pedro del Río, at the bottom of San Juan de Colón and the sky of Lake Maracaibo.


Night view from Cerro Cabeza de Vaca of the town of San Pedro del Río, at the bottom of San Juan de Colón and the sky of Lake Maracaibo.



Team that made the Camp.

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cool trip cool photos