What to do if you get an electric shock?

in avoid •  7 years ago 

In the house, between out-of-use lamps and sockets that don't work, there is always plenty of opportunities for improvising electricians. But if you are not sure of what you do, avoid getting down to work: the risk of shaking is always too high. When the electric current is shaken, the electric current flows through the whole body until it finds a way out, which usually coincides with the hand other than the one from which it entered, or with the feet. In this journey he meets heart, lungs, muscles and nervous system, doing damage: alterations in the heartbeat, painful muscle contractions, difficulty breathing, numbness of hands and feet, restlessness and irritability, vision problems. In a few moments, there are really a lot of risks. So how do we behave?

What to do if you take the electric shock

If you happen to be shaken and are alone at home, immediately check the 3 basic functions: state of consciousness, breathing and heart activity. To do this, the first thing you need to do is try to answer these questions:

  • Do you feel polished or struggling to understand where you are and what happened to you?
  • Do you normally breathe or miss your breath?
  • Is the heartbeat smooth or is it much faster or slower than usual?

Usually, after a few minutes, the situation is normal. But if after 15 minutes you still feel upside down, call 118. Avoid medication, get comfortable and wait for help. How can you help someone who has taken the shock? Run to remove power from the middle switch. If it takes too long, don't turn the victim away from the electricity source with your hands: you too would be the victim. Rather, use a broom handle or chair, but only if made of wood. Better still if you isolate yourself by putting a layer of wood or paper under your feet, such as a newspaper sheet. Leave the victim lying down and place on his side, then assess how shiny he is, if he breathes with difficulty and if the heart beats regularly. Repeat this check even 3-4 times in 15 minutes. If the situation improves, there is no reason to worry: otherwise call 118.

Four rules to avoid shaking

Four fundamental rules that must not be forgotten to avoid dangerous situations: when using iron, always disconnect the plug before topping up the boiler. The second rule to observe is to avoid drying hair with the hair dryer by keeping your feet naked on the wet floor of the bathroom: the human body is a conductor of electricity and this could lead to

For the same reason, follow the third rule, that of not using electrical appliances in the bathroom and kitchen if you have wet hands and feet. Finally, never leave the lamps without a light bulb: the electrical parts remain uncovered and the risk of being shaken increases. Especially if you have young children in the house it is always advisable to avoid them touching those parts.

Hair: shake and what to do if they are electric

Especially on windy days it can happen to have electric hair. This can cause a shock in contact with other people, which is small but can be annoying. What are the remedies for avoiding hair with shock? Always use a brush or comb made from natural materials such as wood structure, so that there is no conduction.

Also, try not to keep your hair dry by using a good diet and proper hydration or perhaps by using dry hair products. Finally, if you just don't pass through, you can use special spray products or an ion hairdryer that is perfect to prevent your hair from becoming electric!

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