How to Avoid a Verbal Argument

in avoiding •  4 years ago 

If you are having a discussion with a friend or partner about a certain topic and the conversation turns heated, one of the best things you can do is to be prepared with a plan on how to avoid a verbal argument. When I say 'plan', I mean having strategies in mind that you can immediately employ when you feel the heat brewing. However, it doesn't mean that you should ignore the signs that your partner is becoming heated. There are a lot of arguments that never get resolved and one of the biggest reasons why this happens is because the parties involved simply don't know how to avoid a verbal argument. In this article I will explain what a verbal argument looks like and how you can recognize it from a mile away.

You will usually start off by pointing out the flaw in their argument. Once you've pointed it out, your partner would probably agree with you. However, they won't admit it and they will blame you for starting the argument in the first place. What usually happens in these situations is that the person who is being accused of starting the argument will accuse the person who's actually the victim. Remember that blaming someone will not make the situation better-it will only provide the upper-hand for the one accused of starting the fight.

When heated topics arise, we tend to lash out at our partners because we feel that the other person is purposely trying to aggravate us. It's usually a reaction that we're had when we are caught off guard or we're left with no other choice but to defend ourselves. When your partner goes too far and starts making accusations against you, don't fall back on the defense mechanism of pointing out all the flaws in their argument. Instead, respond with calmness, logic and reason.

When we get caught up in heated discussions, we often fail to take the time to listen to our partner. Even if we're just defending ourselves, we should try to find the underlying cause of the argument. If we can find out what the problem is, we can avoid it in the future. How to avoid a heated discussion? We should first ask ourselves whether we're getting along well with our partners already.

If we're having problems with our spouse and the conversation turns heated, we should do everything we can to avoid getting into arguments with them. If we're unable to avoid arguments altogether, we can at least take certain measures to ensure that the next time the two of us argue, the conversation won't be as heated as the one before it was. Sometimes, just saying "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry if I offended you" is enough to end heated conversations.

Next, we should remember to remain calm and logical when pressed by our partners. Sometimes, we might find ourselves getting more emotional than usual when we're faced with a heated discussion. If this happens to us, we should try to remind ourselves that we're still human beings and shouldn't let our emotions override our logical minds. If we would do that, we wouldn't have to worry about an argument ever happening again.

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Thank you bringing up such an important topic. I really appreciate the efforts and would like to add some points to the discussion.

Sometimes an argument gets to a level where the EGO of an individual comes in between. He is stuck in a dilemma whether to attack back or defend. Often individuals choose aggression over calmness because their ego don't let them accept the truth. The situation gets worse and before they understand, it gets too late.

Conversation has two parts to it. One being the active speaker and other an active listener. Often people forget about the second aspect and it leads to arguments and fights.

I hope i added some value to the content and looking forward for constructive feedback.

#conversation #verbal #argument #relations #life