Breaking the System of control known as the Matrix

in awaken •  7 years ago  (edited)

Article edited this is a chapter in my new book and was the last note I wrote on facebook.

What is your determination, “to live free,” “to follow orders,” or to truly find an escape from the system of control and to truly live free from the dominating wills of a psychotic society that has determined what, when and how you will do things, or you will be excluded...? Yes Psychotic, anyone with the idea that one should follow the wills of another, preset on the determination that what they decide is right when it produces war on those of the society that do not follow the idea of the one stating it... for example Jailing someone or taking their children away just because the “Society” believes they are not doing things the right way, such as not vaccinating them, or not teaching the child in the way that Society has determined they should be taught... The Slave code is the only code for this and every society that currently exists on earth, it has been plotted out since long ago... to form a perfect drone factory, to keep the population under control and to make sure that if they decide to be different in any way that those that are deeply embedded in the system will strike out and keep the ones that are no longer connected under the control.

What one must understand though is that the control is very real, and it comes in many forms but all of the forms are nothing but a distraction that is used in order to keep the mind constantly thinking about what they want for you to think about. Because if they can keep the mind occupied, then they can keep control over the emotional responses that each and every person has and therefore there is no way to silence the mind and gain control over the self. This picture is an example of how distraction is used... when a man/woman pays attention to what is in front of them, they are blinded by what is actually happening around them... the exclusion and the delusion are both one and the same. Where one part is working on trying to collapse the system, the system takes another part and adds to it, making it more complex in order to keep control over the “unfocused” mind, though in part once true focused is gained and the “idea” of being a free people is set without distraction then the idea gains immortality in certain perspectives.... though again this is only workable when focus is there and the idea is sound enough to where a Diversity of people can work on its development... “Ideas are only bulletproof if one can work through diversity and come together as a whole.” Once one part decides to try and eliminate the idea through distraction, the focus is no longer there... for example political agenda is meant as a distraction by the controllers of said Matrix to keep the distraction, each candidate is given a certain way to distract and it works because people actually care about who is going to be their leader... where as those that do not get distracted by politics are having to fight against the crowds of people that do in order to wake up the masses, not all the time realizing that they are fighting an uphill battle and instead should be using that time to better develop themselves so that they can further escape the process of the controlled system.

One pill lets you wake up, while the other pill puts you back to bed and allows you to continue the controlled life, erasing the memory of there ever being a system of control or “matrix” and to this one is given a choice, but no matter what one must realize that after they wake up..... there is no truly going back to being a subliminally controlled sheep. Those under control of the system will fight for it, they will even go so far as to killing for it, turning friend against friend, brother against brother, sister against sister and so on, and all of this is for what? Corporate control over the lives that exist to make up the system? Or what reasoning has it? From my own point of view the system has been set for control based on the realization of power, the power that the people have if they are not controlled... If not for GMO’s, Fluoridation, Food Chemicals, and Pharma companies which induce the fear of being without Vaccinations or drugs to control the mindless idea of without it one will perish. The control factors that have been put in place are so that they can maintain their own security, the idea of profit in exchange for life.

The Fear based control system.. what each and every awakened person faces in order to wake up the others... That is the process they use to hold their control the word “Security” is the largest based fear system that has been put into place, once they feel that they are losing the control they induce a larger state of fear so that those they control will will cling to it tighter. The creation of destructive forces such as ISIS, Viral and Bacterial outbreaks are used to keep control over the mind that is already under the forces of subliminal control. It is the very idea behind all of this that prevents the awakened from waking up more and more people... The control over the minds system is extremely tight gripped and causes dysfunction in the system once someone breaks free, so therefor the creation of a tighter system must be put into place. The fear of war coming into the country, the tribunal idea that the people just sit and wait consuming and doing as they are told while waiting on their destiny to just “die” and to be removed from the earth, not caring about what they were really meant to do in this world.

The Awakened strive to create a systems failure that will allow more of the masses to awaken from the sleep state, but are only driving themselves into a state of depression, so rather than working and achieving their goals they are being turned away... some not all though, there are the ones that learn that if they cannot break those free that they are trying to wake up they continue to work on the self and gain a higher understanding of what is they are to do... Thus they plant the seeds and leave the scene for the growth to later take place. One must understand what it is that we are fighting truly and no it is not some kind of evil force such as Satan or Lucifer, what we are fighting against is an idea in itself, which is why defeating it seems to be difficult. If one does not master the self and gain full control over the subconscious and unconscious mind then, their own work is worthless... The ideas behind the political factions, Bankers, and other corporate control systems such as the food corps and the pharma corps.. and in this the realization is that all of these corporations are one, though they appear to be separate they are one single entity with an idea of their own, and with the development of high fear production they keep a hold of the reigns. There are many films that have been produced that explain the way society is due to the control over the people, yet the belief is not there, it is excused as fiction even though there is some hint of truth that allows for the mind to open and see what has been hidden... that is if the mind is ready for it to be seen...

You’re real power is what they fear being developed, the lack of their control over the population, and the money they collect from the people has nothing to do with physical value... What they are collecting has spiritual value, the more and more they keep the suffering and emotional response in check the more they “demonize” the population into slavery and this slavery does not matter your skin color, or your culture it is the promise of security, health and religion... All of which is the development of their system and the lack of the development of the self of each individual and the more and more they gain control, the harder it is for those already awakened to break free, so they create distractions such as “The Flat Earth Theory” knowing that humanity will jump to start arguments about it further taking away from the development of the self, The whole Vaccination theories, GMO theories and the heaven or hell theory in order to keep the process of control going. Distraction and fear of the unknown that allows for the real knowledge of humankind to be massively controlled. All a scientific calculated form of control tested before the start of production and according to the tests the success rate only expands as the sleeping remain, if those that are sleeping wake up and walk away then the success of their determination for what they want fails.

Thus it is like dodging the proverbial bullet, even when writing an article such as this, it is done so without the care of caution on my part, because the ideas that I have are too much for the system to handle, and they do not worry about anyone taking part... They have no fear of words spoken because I have not been a part of this society for a very long time... the people only care of their own ideas.. I will keep working on my part and hopefully gain those that will see past the bull of the sleeping and their masters controlling them.. To awaken “seems” as if to be pointless when all of the sheep will mass together to help and those that are “supposedly” awakened will hide afraid to speak... what comes in the future is based on You... will you have courage to walk forward, or continue to hide among the sheep pretending to be asleep.... The door is there, either walk through or turn away.

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