My History of Awakening on Planet Earth

in awakening •  4 years ago 

I went to public schools in rural Ohio where I saw the seasons pass in perfect order year after year. In those days, the schools were excellent and peopled with free thinking teachers who took us to the edge of physical reality. So I always saw or felt the connection with the Natural world and science - that is until I entered nursing school and later premed at Ohio State. By then the Natural world and science had long since been corrupted by the 3/4D human ego linear mind. Had to I did for APPLIED SPIRITUALITY.

Everything you pick up or sense via your five physical senses has its 'cause' in Another Dimension of Reality i.e. the Field of Quantum Physics and explained in higher math or sacred geometry. It was a natural leap for me from science to spirituality(higher dimensions) then to cosmology. My world and consciousness kept on expanding. Of course I had difficulty leaping from 'human 3/4Dreligion' as it was being taught to us. But once I learned re frequency [how something made me FEEL], it made total sense; God being the highest frequency and feels Naturally Good!

I honestly didn't know the personal side of God until quite recently. I had never pinned that label on anything not wanting to be lumped in with human religion and perpetuate those fantasies. But when a deer in the meadow wags his tail at me in greeting, a hawk swoops me sitting on the deck, organic whole foods nourish my body completely and my body knows how to heal itself. Then, I do know God personally as Loving Peace/Loving me. This is an elegant world/universe in which we live, breathe and have our Being. That's enough for me. I call that Elegance/Innate Intelligence, God/Source which loves me dearly...and you! <3 Feel for It! <3

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