Awaken the God/Goddess Within

in awakening •  7 years ago 

Allow your dreams to be bigger than your fears.

STEP INTO the God/Goddess within you.
Set your intentions these next two days.
"How you navigate August will follow you to through to the end of the year. Relax into the truth of who you are. Try to give yourself 48 hours of disconnection from distraction. This is a time for your mastery to shine. To reclaim yourself and create great movement in your life. As long as you allow your dreams to be bigger than your fears and pull you forward as opposed to paying attention to that which would hold you back...Harness the momentum and power of august to propel you forward."


To be grounded in truth.
Say YES to who you really are.
Come out of the shadows and be seen.
Release and allow.
Trust the universe and Trust your self and your soul path.
Feel what you need to feel.
Come into union with all that you are.

Come into your authenticity.
goddess energy
We are one
we are a team
live your purpose
Live your Dreams

Listen to Sri and Kira Radio for guidance, illumination and ascension predictions.
Much gratitude

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Thanks! A lot of that is from what they said on their radio show but they spoke my life 😊

If we are ONE with the universe, maybe the world can be a better place to live.

Yes, many people aren't awakened and aware of that however. It can be difficult to grasp until you FEEL it

Shall I wake them up? Twill but take a breath. A sense of self is a powerful thing, to be treasured. Though they may not know by which they are formed or have as much freedom of choice and adaptability, I envy their resolve. Their certainty. Something to strive for

Que? Always great to set intentions. Words which can hold deep power and meaning if accepted as powerful and meaningful. I shall listen to my inner voice for guidance. When unclear I will ask others till I find what I was looking for. Today I found you, and I am thankful :)