A Bigger Frame

in awakening •  5 years ago 

A Bigger Frame

Most of us are so focused on the day-to-day struggles of our lives we rarely, if ever, pause to consider how our human species of consciousness got to be living the ways we all are at this time on this planet. Generally, we don’t have to look far or long to see so many of us humans are angry and hateful and polarized. How did we all become so angry and hateful and polarized? We practically never even listen to each other.

How can such a productive and creative species of consciousness have huge numbers of us dying of starvation and man-made diseases and most of the rest of us intolerant of one another and trying to blow each other up? How did it come to be that our species spends the vast majority of the wealth we have all created on weaponry, warfare and destroying one another’s cultures and homelands - all the while profoundly traumatizing one another’s people?

Though this way of us being together has been greatly profiting a very small, interconnected clique scattered around the globe – the 1% of the 1%, it is creating stress, suffering and starvation for the vast majority of us human beings. Every human concern and issue appears to be divided into two and it seems as though most of us end up strongly polarized in one camp and demonizing those among us, who’ve found themselves in the other camp.

Meanwhile, something else is going on that is way bigger and, in my opinion, more sinister.

Not only is our food chain contaminated and degraded – breathing fog in SF gives folks a toxic load of mercury, aluminum and other heavy metals; carcinogenic glycosphate is found in nearly all foods, including children’s cereals and even newborns” vaccines, now; not only are our children been drugged by the “authorities” and induced to eat “food like substances” producing obesity and diseases; not only are we spending $14 million per hour on war already; not only are we currently living within a synthetic sea of electromagnetic frequencies a million times greater than anything our grandparents experienced; not only are big governments/big media/big telecom are gearing up to implement 5G. 5G is the fifth generation – “bigger, faster, better” - of electromagnetics roll out and it is being rolled out simultaneously around the world. But, before they began rolling it out, they made laws which give them immunity from any responsibility for damage to people’s health and the environment and the cities, counties and municipalities cannot say, “We don’t want it.” (Telecommunications Act 1996)

[A short note about 5G. This technology has previously only been used by the militaries of this world as a, so-called, non-lethal weapon which cooks the skin of anyone that is within range and makes them run like hell to get away; it is also useful for surveillance. Which is probably why they plan to put 5g towers ever 300 to 500 feet and they are launching 20,000 satellites to manage, control and focus the system. Although it hasn’t gotten much press, there have been literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies proving the detrimental health effects of our existing radiation from wi-fi, cell phone and cell towers. Formerly a telecommunications lobbyist, Tom Wheeler, the former head of the FCC, has admitted they have no studies showing 5G is not harmful to human health and consciousness or the flora and fauna in the environment. But they are going ahead with it. Who cares about people and the biosphere anyway?]

But, I’ve digressed. In the first paragraph I mentioned,
“our human species of consciousness” and I now believe that is a mistaken label for us. It appears to me that our human species of consciousness is actually a blend of more than one species’ or types of consciousness. At this point I am now seeing three types or species of sentience here; there may be more. Some of us are more naturally inclined toward connectedness and cooperation in order to make the world a better, more livable place for all of us. Others among us are much more inclined toward self-serving behavior regardless of how it effects others. Among these folks, there is no genuine sense of connectedness although it can be feigned if it serves them in the moment. Lastly, many among us have not yet resolved to which camp they are most drawn

From the point of view of what’s currently considered normal human brain development, I would say that from the perspective of the One that is All-That-Is, this second group of people who are very focused through a lens of service-to-self have been limbic-ly impaired or disconnected. They don’t seem to have a living, empathetic heart; or, if they do, they can some how manage to turn it on and off much more easily than most of us. Perhaps, they are just more practiced in being deceptive, ruthless and self-serving.

In any case, IMO, it is useful to recognize that we are all in this together. To me it appears that we need to awaken from our delusory slumber, imagining that we are disconnected and separate and others are the fixed and reified conceptions we have of them. This, of course, is never the underlying reality in which everything and everyone is interconnected and inter-related. It’s that old, John Donne, thing of, “No man[, no woman] is an island…” Nothing, ever, exists separate from everything else that exists.

Instead of reifying everything with our minds and imagining that construct accurately portrays reality, it is far wiser to notice that every “thing” that our languages are constructed to name and our minds are in the habit of reifying, everything is rather a complex and temporarily stabilized whole consisting of and in dynamic exchange of light/energy/information with the rest of All-That-Is.

Indeed, each of us is a complex dynamic system/field of innumerable relatively stable sub-systems/fields of light/energy/information. Our sub-systems/fields are continuously both, internally processing and exchanging light/energy/information with others like ourselves as well as with the myriad patterns and processes of the enveloping field of light/energy/information.

It appears to me that our species of consciousness is in a process of awakening out of our conditioned perceptions of separation, reification and disconnectedness. We have begun awakening into the fundamental recognition of our shared oneness, our innate embededness and oneness with the One that is All-That-Is – this One, in, of and by Whom, we live and move and have our being. We are awakening into a shared recognition of the All-Creating Source as the fundamental nature of each of us, and all of us. In the emerging WEast consciousness, we are awakening out of our multi-millennial samsaric misunderstanding and we are reclaiming our Universal birthright.

It is as though we are learning a new language. This new language is not based in our conditioned languages of polarized reifications but rather it is grounded in the silent intelligence which we directly experience each time we interrupt the run-on narrative of our conditioned mind. No doubt we have been so well conditioned into believing and perceiving the mistaken world we were raised within; as we learn this new language of our shared, silent presence, we will inevitably mis-pronounce.

Expect it. Expect it from yourself as well as from others. If we have the openness in the moment, we may be able to receive and benefit from another’s example or sharing. If not, we may need to smack our head against the wall a few more times. Eventually, each one of us disappears into the openness and we all become fluent, “human” expressions of this One.

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