Human Beings Awakening

in awakening •  5 years ago 

Human Beings Awakening

Our lives are lived through these human organisms on this planet. These organisms function through complex, inter-active and mutually sustaining sub-systems of neuro-electro-chemical-somatic (n-e-c-s) fields, which are relatively stabilized by innumerable feed-forward and feedback loops. While these n-e-c-s sub-systems/fields of our organism are relatively discrete from one another, they also inter-penetrate, influence and participate in one another.

We can consider a few of the n-e-c-s fields of our aliveness to include our innate intelligence and the mind-of-this-world through which we have been experiencing it; the vegetative functions from breathing through digestion that combine to sustain our aliveness; the somatic and proprioceptive sense of being in this body, in this world, at this time; the whole energetic and emotional field of our relating with others (which is both private and shared between and among us); etc., etc.

These relatively distinct sub-systems are in continuous exchanges and processing of light/energy/information; these dynamics are what sustain the organisms. All together these sub-system synergistically combine to reveal our moment-to-moment experience and expression of our selves with and in this world; as we currently understand both ourselves and this world.

Of course, our current understanding of ourselves and this world has been shaped by our experiences and the ways we have come to interpret them. Most essentially our current mind/world-dream/body is founded on the earliest interpretations and assumed premises of our innate intelligence as our innocent openness encountered the people and the circumstances that had been going on, on this planet, for a long time before we arrived in this oceanic soup of human consciousness. Thereby, we came to live in a world of separation, polarized dualities and reification of everything. Because we are all interconnected via our neuro-electro-chemical fields’ interpenetration, we are not only both shaped by our past as well as by the world we describe to ourselves; we are continuously shaping our context via the resonances of our interpretations. (Consider Dr. Fred Alan Wolf’s interpretations of quantum physics)

Since we are living within a mind-made field of representation, which, in its shared form in our human species of consciousness, appears to be rapidly careening off any number of cliffs, examining our mis-understanding and the premises underpinning it has seemed wise to me. Equally as relevant is recognizing the “you get what you expect” mechanism of quantum mechanics in our lives. Completing the triumvirate of our shared awakening is recognizing, exploring and coming to live from the clear, open presence of our natural state.

Let’s look at our misunderstanding first. For untold millennia, our human species of sentience has been living within a kind of three-dimensional mind/world-dream-body in which we believe we are separate and that everything is actually the way we think it is. For example, we all know what a tree is. But, what’s a tree without soil, and water and air and sunshine and everything else that always co-arises with this tree? In short, nothing is a separate “thing;” every “thing” is interconnected. In fact, every “thing” is a relatively discrete, complex, whole system being among other such “things” within the dynamics of higher orders of complex, whole systems/beings. This corresponds with the complex, whole systems of our organism/being since it is composed of relatively discrete, interconnected, interpenetrating neuro-electro-chemical fields/sub-systems; as mentioned earlier. This understanding of relatively distinct, complex systems, or wholes, within successively larger, enveloping complex systems/wholes is represented by the term, “holon,” coined by Arthur Koestler.

Our conditioned reification of every thing is encoded into the languages we have all been raised to speak - the words with which we describe ourselves, others and the world to ourselves. These interpretations of ourselves and our life are the filters that give us the experience of ourselves in this world; they give us the experiences of separation, reification and dissatisfaction. Our minds, full of our descriptions and interpretations of ourselves and our world, constitutes the filter which shapes the mind/world-dream/body of our misunderstanding, our samsaric creation of a lived world which is out of phase with the underlying and always present, and always available reality of this One which is All-That-Is.

Shifting our consciousness toward the recognition of us being unique expressions of the One which is All-That-Is involves refocusing onto what we experience as we stop thinking (read: stop the incessant narrative of our conditioned mind) and attend to what is here in the absence of our conditioned thought stream. By interrupting the ongoing flow of our conditioned, polarized and reifying mind/world-dream/body, we can begin experiencing and exploring the always and already present, clear, open awareness of being.

This presence of awakeness is not fabricated by the mind; it is most readily revealed in the absence of the commentary and interpretations of our conditioned mind. The direct experience revealed may shape subsequent words and concepts but, in itself, it is neither verbal nor conceptual. As we relax into the actual now awareness, we discover an open and cognizant intelligence. Although it may not seem so at first glimpse, as we relax and open into this still, silent core of our being, we find that we are naturally opening into Universal intelligence, inclusiveness and interconnectedness. What’s revealed here is that our being is already, always one with the all-inclusive One. How cool is that?

Typically, immediately after we resolve to stop thinking for a moment and refocus our attention into the non-verbal, non-conceptual, still, silent awareness of being, the resonances of the sub-systems of the organism via which we create our experience/perception of our separate identities in our particular, conditioned mind/world-dream/body will come foreground. And then, our attention is once again captivated and we live some moments as if we really were the separated one we have been taking ourselves to be in this world as we have been seeing it.

The solution is simple but the process may not be easy; I pray that it is easier for you than it has been for those of us who’ve been at this for a while now. Repeatedly and, more and more deeply, we re-recognize the open awareness that is always here and we explore the non-verbal, non-conceptual dimension of our being. As we practice immersing ourselves in the resonances of our actual being, the neuro-electro-chemical-somatic subsystems/fields of our organism are gradually brought into alignment with this which is All-That-Is and harmony with Its Universal resonances. For all the folks I know of who’ve been committed to awakening out of our ill-conceived, conditioned identities and releasing our consciousness into the inconceivable fullness of being which we’ve begun to access and experience, the conscious and deliberate deconstruction and dissolution of our identifications within our version of 3-d separation has been a major part of the process of awakening, individually and, together.

There seems to be a required re-negotiation of, at least some of those seminal imprints which resulted in our adaptation to the 3-d world and reified people we found around us and our gradual adoption of a set of separate and reified identities in the world in which we found ourselves.

The deconstruction of our dualized, separate identifications and the projected world that corresponds to each of them, can be approached on many levels of our being. There are many practice, techniques and technologies which, used skillfully, can release us from the various sorts of tentacles which have kept us distracted and asleep. These methods can be energetic, somatic, techno-neurological, contemplative as well as verbal; they can be used to “thin the veil” between our conditioned mind/world-dream/body and the emerging revelation of our natural state.

It will be useful to develop some kind of readily available reference or catalogue of a number of effective techniques, both traditional and more recently revealed, which foster the release of our consciousness, both individually and in committed, collaborative groups of us, out of our conditioned mis-identifications and into the living recognition of our original, multi-dimensional identities and our shared oneness. I imagine that as new and formerly hidden traditional techniques for the transformation of our human consciousness are revealed, this “catalogue” of skillful means will evolve.

I can and will share what I happen to be aware of that I know to be effective and skillful ways of shifting us into the globally shared memory complex that seems to be emerging.

In love of and service to the One Infinite Creator of All-That-Is,
I.M. Oneofus AKA John Lumiere-Wins

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