I Am The One I Am
I Am The One I Am. Each of us can say this and we all know it is true. It is self-evident and tautological. As we awaken together each one of us comes to recognize that we are one of The One that is All-That-Is. The One that is this whole Universe is the source and substance of our being, individually and as a species. It is this One in, of, as, and by whom we live and move and have our being. Once we recognize this for ourselves, we know it is true for every last one of us; we can’t help but notice that, despite our obvious uniqueness, in this fundamental way, we are all the same and we are all in this world together. Our common unity dawns as our experiential awareness and, simultaneously, we gradually and suddenly release out of all the socially entangled, conditioned patterns of the adopted person we adapted for ourselves in concert with those around us.
As we awaken together, we learn that we can stop the mind-stream for a moment and give our attention to what is already, always here. Thus, we experience and notice a still, silent, open, knowing presence. This awareness knows both its open knowingness as well as whatever happens to be appearing within it as the actual experience of this moment.
When I began taking these brief moments of release, I, nearly immediately, found myself labeling and describing the experience to my self, evaluating or comparing “it” to other experiences I’d had or heard about. Then I’d be experiencing my mind’s interpretation more than the actual openness I had just noticed. Once I notice that it is time for another brief moment.
In this and other ways, little by little we are relaxing out the positions and reifications of our conditioned mind and paying more attention to the awake openness, which palpably permeates the indivisible whole of our actual moment.
The Multi-Ordinal Unity of The One I Am
All-That-Is is One. Infinite, all-pervasive and singular. The One-That-Is includes all of Itself. There is nothing that can ever be out side of or other than a subsystem of All-That-Is. All-That-Is expresses itself as all that is. All-That-Is is conscious because we are conscious and we are this very One experiencing and expressing itself as a conscious subsystem of the One I Am. No one of us here at this moment can deny that we are aware of ourselves and our experience at this moment. Each one of us is a unique, living, conscious subsystem of this enveloping, infusing One that is All-That-Is.
All of us together constitute our shared human species of consciousness. Because of the way we have been living within the Tower of Babble, our conditioned mind-made world of imagined separation and disconnectedness has had us seeing only division and opposition and “them.” Meanwhile our human species of consciousness has been gradually coming into the recognition that we are all here together. As this recognition dawns experientially, our hearts open and we realize we’d prefer to cooperate and collaborate, co-creating ways of making this whole thing work for all of us.
As our focus changes from the reified dualities that we’ve been conditioned to believe in and attention relaxes into the ever-present openness of the actual now moment, we sense our being, our natural state which is naturally connected with other; just as our awareness always includes whatever we may conceive as “self” and “other.” It is merely the reifications of our mind that divide the experiential singularity of every now moment into a million different pieces. All the “pieces” are mind-made; our awareness and this One that is All-That-Is is us and all the pieces, however we may be regarding it all.
Just as our every breath is an inhaling of some portion of everything that has been exhaled by everything else on the planet, our being lives at large in the totality of the field of this moment. This is always true for every single one of us, although we have, as a species of consciousness, thus far, rarely noticed it. Our individual being exists in dynamic responsiveness to the time, place and circumstance we find ourselves in. The universe expresses itself to itself as both our world and ourselves, inseparably. As we continue to awaken and we come to live as the silent core of our being, we increasingly experience the whole field of our present moment as a singularity.