Apply AWS HTTPS(secure http) for EC2

in aws •  6 years ago 

Applying to HTTPS in e2 instance</3>

1. create Hosted-zone in route53

Hosted zones → Create Hosted Zone → write Domain Name → Create
and then, click Go to Record Sets button.
if you click the domain, you can find 4 dns-server addresses.

These are obscured in my picture, you copy that.

And you paste 4 domain addresses in connection of domain-name server like above picture.

2. You have to get certification in ACM(Amazon certificate manager)

after click Request, continuous progress

I recommend DNS validation, because of

so you can get email registed in buying domain web-page

if you go certificate manager, you can check it

3. register SSL Listener in ELB

· Go Load Balancers and you select your ELB.
· Click Listener tab.
· If you have listener, you click edit button.
· if not, you click Add Listener button.

4. Setting Security group

select security group connected to your EC2 instance
and in security group setting https/port 433 inbound rules

5. Connecting domain to ELB

· Go to Route53.
· Go to Hosted Zone.
· Click create Recored Set.
· Type - A -IPv4 address.
· Alias - yes.
· Click Alias Target.
· Select ELB domain.
· Click Create button.

Lastly, you have to open port in instance firewall.
It's my problem T^T.

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