What is Ayurveda?

in ayurveda •  6 years ago 

An Asian traditional, holistic system of medicine that talks about heathy,unhealthy, happy and unhappy life. The word Ayurveda is itself a vague topic which is made of two words "ayu" means life and "veda" means science or knowledge . So Ayurveda is science of life.
The main aim of ayurveda is to preserve the health of a healthy person and to cure the disease of diseased person.
To make it simple it has been divided into 8 parts that is also known as Astanga Ayurveda.

Kaya cikitsa (general medicine )
Different kinds of herbs,minerals and animal products are used as medicine in Ayurveda.
There is two system of treatement in Ayurveda.
Saman (pacifying the aggravated dosha)
2)Sodhana(purification or detoxification process)
Ayurveda is based on three basic principles. Vata(air+space)
kapha(Earth +water)

So health is a balanced state of all dosha, dhatu,mala,agni and sense organs and soul.received_1857466844341344.jpeg

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