More Azaleas.

in azaleas •  7 years ago 

Azaleas are the "smaller cousins" of the Rhododendron family. They are native to Asia, Europe and North America. and there is a variety of this plant to suit any position in the Garden, be it in full sun or a shaded spot. They are best suited to cool temperate and temperate climates, and like a slightly acid soil. They are flowering in Sydney right now, and i took some more photos to show the nice displays of flowers.NEW1 078.JPGNEW1 079.JPG
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such a beautiful and amazing post.....i just upvoted this post

Wow very beautiful Azaleas flowers with various colors. Its more attractive.

Glorious photo shots with nice description about these flowers.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

The pink color azaleas I could see in my country as well! But Red color one, I have never seen this before! Great photography of it!


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Exceptional photography and interesting article about 'Azaleas'...!!!

100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower

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You can't beat Azaleas for a beautiful show .

this is stunning :D