Out today on this hang out this hangout wanted to do is i won down to to the needy greedy right and just talk about traffic generation precisely I wanted to cover some advanced traffic media strategies right how to how to buy traffic how do you how to leverage your self as a marker and and and really just go out there and and and create the lifestyle that you want right and we talked about there is a lot of importance that needs to be in place for online marketers to be successful right of course we'll talk about the mindset will talk about the structure of the business and all that stuff is important right now what I wanted to focus on this is a warning to focus specifically precisely on this area of traffic generation been been getting tons and tons of emails and and and actually just surveyed people as well just to kind of see what you guys wanted to learn more about it seems that traffic generation is this one thing that everybody wants to learn more about so I figured you know I said well you know that's kind of my expertise in I've been a student of traffic generation for about seven about seven years now more I'm talking about like full-time hardcore anal really just dedicated myself to to to learning as much as I could about you know generating traffic different ways different strategies different message and not a lot of tests in trial and error lot of you know self flat on my face a lot of times you know when when I was just getting started with this thing but I believe that when you know when you master when you when you focus on learning this traffic getting game right when you understand how to get traffic everything else will be easier for you I and so what I wanted to do is just basically talked about and and and give you guys some really really really really good stuff I'm not sure I'll try to keep this hang out to about an hour maybe ninety minutes but in this next you know ninety minutes I wanna give you guys so much in value that this particular training could be worth at least $2,000 for you many in fact I know I think I'll make it even better ok so pay attention to get yourself some to write with take a lot of those because this stuff I hope that you take this implementation and run with it and just you know and and you know get a bunch of traffic and Michael bunch of money with you know there's going to be nothing for sale online you decide you guys anything whatsoever so you know keep your wallets in a different room this is purely value-based lissy for those of us who don't know me I got started on line about eight years ago eight and a half years ago maybe not until 2005 when a good start on the internet and no struggle trying to figure out how does this marketing thing works in was fortunate enough to get myself a mental fundamental who taught me some things and and I just over the years you know just kind of progress and develop my own strategies and my own perspectives on things and how how this works in a lots and lots and lots of testing and a lot of people start on the internet they don't know they just expect everything to be you know home a home run from the from the get-go you know they just expect everything to go smoothly right away and a lot of times that's not the case right now if you are running into some bumps right now in the road don't get discouraged now the easiest thing to do is just get discouraged just say well this thing doesn't work you know it's a scam whatever just move on and just jump ship s-on undue in a different opportunities thinking that the opportunities gonna make a successful but reality is not use basic fundamentals in one of the fundamentals and we're gonna cover today's traffic generation I want you guys gonna do you actually means something better and do a screen share with you guys should be able to see my Google PowerPoint presentation actually took the time to to put this together for you believe it or not you know so what's going to dive right into this and I hope you guys take notes now this is part 1 of 3 ok so when I decided to do is I decided to take a step further and just give you guys so much in value that is going to absolutely blow your mind you know what my my my intention is this my intentions I want you by the time if you gonna stick it wouldn't have mattered to me there's going to be three sections to this training today we're going to start we're going to cover a lot of ground we're gonna cover today tonight we're gonna have part two and I'm gonna have parts three and by the time my goal let me let me do this agenda here is the agenda I want to teach you how to get tons and tons of very very good highly targeted traffic in that some of the stuff I never taught yet ok because I was personally experimenting with this and I never teach from theory I never teach from something that I just heard or saw somebody else I always teach from experience I was testing a lot of a lot of things your way over the last several months a lot of different networks and and and media buys and things like that so I'm gonna be some you stop here tonight in game 3 part advanced training serious and you know you guys may want to stick around for all three serious because we can easily we can easily do this as I create this and and then packaged it up as a course and then you know sell it to other people who did not attend these hangouts and this thing can easily sell but of course you guys get it for free now I want to get this is this is what I want to accomplish with you I want to give you a huge edge over other marketers that's out there okay so people who are not here you know they they they they will not know because he was a reality most people have no idea how to get traffic most people have no idea what it takes to really become successful online so when you guys learn to stop you'll have a huge huge huge advantage over everybody else out there bottom line is I just want your success story if you can take this information right you can apply this in your marketing you can take this out there put it to work let me know how those Facebook whatever disguised that's really what I want ok here's the truth I was gonna cover some fundamentals to make sure that everybody's on the same page and I'm gonna hit you guys with some really really serious stuff here's the thing traffic in traffic for your business alright is not everything folks but it's probably as important as oxygen for humans or the fuel for vehicles I mean just like you know people say well what's what's the most important most important hardcore head right for humans and everything is important right and acted as important it is just like people say well money's not important you know come on don't be foolish enough money is it is just as important as as oxygen now you know if if you know if you take away oxygen you know from humans obviously we're not going to survive for very long if you take away traffic from your business kind was it happen your business will not survive you can have the most proved the Proteas the awesomest website you can be promoting the biggest did the awesomest opportunity whatever you can be getting thousand percent compensation plan right you don't you don't get anybody visiting your offer you don't make any money right so traffic obviously is important but he was the truth most people most markers a simple over complicate a very simple hey guys I want you to understand one thing traffic getting is one of the simplest and easiest things that you will learn how to do as an internet marketer period when I prove that to you tonight there is virtually unlimited the lineup it's virtually unlimited there is unlimited amounts of traffic out there getting to prove to you tonight that you can tap into regardless of your budget you know to get 50 bucks if you got 20 bucks if you got $5,000 you want to spend on this thing and when you do it right there is truly the sky's the limit you know no such thing as free traffic I just want to put put it out there to make sure that you guys understand a lot of people talk about free traffic in this a paid marketing doesn't work and this and that listen i there is no such thing as the paper with your time or your money but there is no such thing as free traffic bottom line is when you master traffic generation you can write your own paycheck anywhere any business opportunity any company anything that you do or types on the internet you will Dominic now gonna give you guys a couple couple tips that I think will be bored million dollars to you
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