Baby 3!

in baby •  7 years ago 

So, this little buddy is about 5cm long. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet. We'll be able to peer at it's genitals in a few more weeks (I bet they're embarrassed already). The baby is due in November. So far everything looks healthy and well. I had been hoping for twins, but alas for me and relief for muh wife.

We got a while before this little buddy pops out, but I'm thrilled to bring into the world another future Steemian.



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SteemBirds Video Comment for @aggroed

This is amazing! <3


Congrats you to all!!! Guess you been doing it right then hehehe!!!

Congratulations, now lets talk names. I am particularly fond of MUH, but Kelly Elizabeth is pretty cute. You could even nickname name her Kubby, right right!

We're considering her first name as Muhkubbykellyelizabeth

Congrats Mayor!!!

Congratulations in advance @aggroed. I know he will grow up to love blogging and will become even greater than. BEHOLD Baby 3, our latest potential whale ooo😎😎

Wow! Congrats Aggroed! Hope everything is well! Mother and baby healthy and well!

Ah!! Congratulations!! I'm happy for you both of you.

Thanks CaCO!

congrats gif.gif

Congratulation May Allah bless you.

Congrats, man! It's an amazing thing. Truly, there's nothing else like being a parent.

wish you very good luck dear , hope so that it'll change your life

Wow this is your third baby? So twins would have been four. My sister has twins. They were quite a handful especially when it came to changing diapers and things like that. I'm not a father but I haven't ruled it out for the future.

I haven't commented on one of your posts in a long time but I'm glad to see you are doing well.

Congratulations @aggroed more Blessings ahead

Wow so happy for you and your wife! Congratulations!

Congratulations, wow your keen wanting twins on the third birth. We've got 5 kids, but no twins... 2 born the same year, so it was almost like twins. But I still feel twins would have been more difficult.
Hope the little one stays happy and healthy...

Congrats again Aggy!!!

WOOT! Thanks meno!

post yang mengesankan, teringat saya akan ibu dirumah yang telah melahirkan.
terimakasih telah berbagi.

Awesome man! I didn't even know you were pregnant! A HUGE CONGRATS, BRO!!!

technically speaking my wife is the one who is pregnant!

LOL...nah. Your wife can't be pregnant if you're not pregnant...

Congratulations! A new baby in the house is always exciting!

Exciting! Congratulations 💜🐣💜

Man, the good news keep pilling up this week

  • 1 mils users

  • steem be mentioned as number 2 in China and everyone's favorite

  • Minnow supporter is expecting another family member.


Congratulations!!! Wishing your wife a happy & healthy pregnancy! November will be a great month (I’ll be getting married as well)! Cheers to many celebrations to come!

Congratulations! @aggroed. Great news!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh thats cute :) Congratulations! This Baby is going to be born at the Age of technology and Cryptocurrencies :) Will be sure a wise CryptoBaby!


In a positive way! Because he/she will have all the knowledge about cryptocurrencies from his lovely parents :)

Congrats man! We just had our third a month ago... it gets way harder with the other ones around, get some sleep now!!

Congratulations for the new family member :)

Yay! Congratulations to you and your wife! Welcome, little babe <3

You wanted twins :o That must be a challenge.. but awesome man congratulations!

A new human!!

Congrats dude, and even though its the third, it will still damn exciting again I guess!

Hi Aggroed,

Congrats on your fatherhood #3.

Awesome! To have a father who can give you Steem Power for your birthday :’)


you want twin scorpios?? are you nuts??? :P grats!

Congratulations on this blessing , I just had my first baby and it brings so much joy just looking at them

Yay! Congrats on your future Steemian! That is so cool :)

Felicidades Profe. @aggroed que buena noticia. también felicidades a la madre ..como se llama ella?' bueno a prepararse que aumente el consumo de vegetales y granos ricos en hierro y proteínas,

congratulations @aggroed. This is great news.

Congrats!! Always a blessing

I've been trying hard to find a way to work this into a joke about some kind of "trilogy", but I give up.

Congrats to you and your +1 family!

Thanks Jesta!

Yay congratulations :D Ahh so tiny, I remember those days well. Hope pregnancy and birth are textbook and easy for your wife :D


Congrats... you're gonna love it. Children are such a blessing

November is a great month. Maybe it will be born on the 4th (like my boy).

Waooooow here comes a superb blogger.congratulations

Congrats, I have 3 and I think it is the offspring sweet spot

Congratulations man. I guess we won't be seeing as often. Family first :)

No it just means that my personal time is down to whatever sleep I get, some of my showers and when I poop.

Of course, the poop.

Magical moment. I congratulate you on this wonderful expectation.

@aggroed Congrats to you and your wife :D

Congratulations @aggroed,
Soon it will be more family members is really a happiness,
And always a good father ..

Wow! This calls for celebration
Congrats. I'm sure you can't wait for the arrival of the baby

Congratulations with this new world citizen in progress! Enjoy every bit of it man! New life announcements is always such good news!

congratulation for your coming angel :)

Awesome! I enjoyed hearing about the Billy Idol songs played during your son's birth. My husband is not the most emotional guy, but he cried at all 4 of our kids' births. It's just such a powerful moment! Congratulations to you and the Mrs.!

Congratulations! So happy to know we will have another baby steemian here!

Its a boy

Congratulations on your little bundle! Hmm...I'm going to say boy.

Congratulations, what an amazing image that technology can provide these days.

Congrats, we are unto our first one within the next 2 weeks.

Congrats to both of you! That is so nice!

A million of congrats for you @aggroed, may your new child grows up healthily and strongly. I know how you feel since I had the same feeling in December last year when I saw my son's echography for the very first time.

Again, congrats!! =D =D

Grats on the little critter to be.

Very exciting news... congratulations! Baby is on the blockchain!

Congratulations! I can't imagine having more than one but also regret it at the same time.

When is the fourth coming?

Yay for baby Aggy!!!

I am a proud father and i know perfect the felling. For the moment father of one but i hope i will be able in the future to post something similar... we really want one more!
For me my daughter is the engine of my heart and there is nothing more beautifull and amazing then just been a parent!
Enjoy to the max the moment and keep us updated if it's a boy or a girl... honest to be i don't think it really matters as long as the baby is healthy, we are as well so we can enjoy wonderful moments next to them!
Take care and one more time congratulations!

Congrats man! Great you are going for the 3rd.
Have had enough with two, but I've heard the third doesn't really add much to the "workload". ;)