Why do people ask too much about stopping Breastfeeding?

in baby •  7 years ago 

This is how I react to dumb questions.

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Ever since Maximus was born I usually get the dumb question "when are you gonna stop breastfeeding? I never really had a concrete-set-in-stone stop date. I'm just going on how my body works. If my son loves breastfeeding and I'm still producing, why stop?

One thing I noticed is that people who ask come from other generations and they used to feed their babies with bottles and that's ok. However I'd rather feed my baby with my milk and It's a wonderful connection between us.

Does this happen to you? Question for moms

Me despido por el momento, nos vemos en mi próximo post.😘💋

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Like culture club song said..."war, war is stupid and peope are stupid". Somos mamíferos, no. Bueno, hay que darles pecho a las crias.