The Day
It was Tuesday, under the sign of Virgo. The Brazilian president was Venceslau Brás Pereira Gomes. Famous people born on this day include Henry Ford(American entrepreneur and noted family, the eldest son of Edsel Bryant Ford and grandson of industrial tycoon Henry Ford) and Claude Laroche(physician).
The Milk
France bans milk from all restaurants, cafés, etc. after 9 a.m. It may begin local rationing of milk.
The War
- Sergei Prokofiev said "Horrible news. Riga is captured by Germans. A plated fist is looming over Petrograd. It's still far away, but we don't know if the revolutionary army is strong enough, and no one knows what would it look like when three million people start fleeing Petrograd."
You can listen some of his music here: - Deutsche Artillerie im Verbande
Source: - The First Night Blitz on London
Sphinx damaged by a German bomb dropped on the Embankment
The Baseball
Major league baseball for Tuesday, September 4, 1917
New York Yankees (2) @ Boston Red Sox (4)
New York Yankees (7) @ Boston Red Sox (3)
Philadelphia Phillies @ Brooklyn Robins
St. Louis Cardinals (5) @ Chicago Cubs (12)
Boston Braves (3) @ New York Giants (1)
Washington Senators (1) @ Philadelphia Athletics (2)
Cincinnati Reds (4) @ Pittsburgh Pirates (5)
Chicago White Sox (13) @ St. Louis Browns (6)
If you know some interesting or important from your national history what happened that day please put in the comment.
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